
contoh kalimat the am

"the am" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. He jumbled up the AM and PM...-
    Dia campur aduk antara AM dan PM
  2. Can you broadcast on the AM frequency?
    Bisakah kamu siaran di frekuensi AM?
  3. Wondered if you wouldn't mind representing us at the am drams tonight.
    Apakah kau tidak keberatan kuajak nonton drama nanti malam?
  4. So I see you in the AM?
    Jadi, ketemu di AEM?
  5. But if you call me in the AM I'll do it first thing.
    Tapi jika kau hubungi aku besok pagi, kita akan bicara.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "am"
  2. contoh kalimat "the am"
  3. contoh kalimat "12 am"
  4. contoh kalimat "am i"
  5. contoh kalimat "am timan"
  6. contoh kalimat "am tour"
  7. contoh kalimat "as i am"
  8. contoh kalimat "can-am"
  9. contoh kalimat "cha am"
  10. contoh kalimat "i am"
  11. contoh kalimat "i am but"
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