天外奇蹟 terjemahan Indonesia
- 天: angkasa; dewa; hari; kahyangan; langit; siang;
- 外: di luar; keluar
- 天外的: ruang angkasa
- 奇蹟 (电影): miracles (filem 1989)
- 六门天外: mon colle knights
- 天外封锁線: lockout; lockout (film)
- 天外救星: deus ex machina
- 天外魔花: filem invasion of the body snatchers (1956); invasion of the body snatchers
- 33:重生奇蹟: the 33
- 34街的奇蹟: miracle on 34th street
- [飛飞]跃奇蹟: eddie the eagle (film)
- orange橘色奇蹟: orange (manga)
- 奇蹟 (1992年电影): lorenzo's oil
- 奇蹟 (golden child专辑): miracle (ep golden child)
- 奇蹟年论文: kertas kerja annus mirabilis; makalah annus mirabilis