惊天夺宝 terjemahan Indonesia
- 天: angkasa; dewa; hari; kahyangan; langit; siang;
- 惊天破: heartfall arises
- 惊天雷: thundercracker
- 考古夺宝: the dig (film 2021)
- 惊天危机: white house down
- 惊天大阴谋: all the president's men; all the president's men (filem)
- 惊天战神: immortals (film 2011)
- 惊天绑架团: kidnapping freddy heineken
- 惊天营救: extraction (film 2020)
- 熊出没之夺宝熊兵: boonie bears: to the rescue
- 惊天动地60秒: gone in 60 seconds (film 2000)
- 手里剑战队忍忍者 the movie 恐龙殿下的惊天忍法帖!: shuriken sentai ninninger the movie: gulir ninja indah tuan dinosaurus!
- 惊声尖笑5: scary movie 5
- 惊声尖笑4: scary movie 4