风之国 terjemahan Indonesia
- 风: angin; bayu; berbelok-belok; berliku-liku;
- 国: bangsa; negara; negara hukum; negeri; republik
- 风之塔: menara angin
- 风之宫: hawa mahal
- 风之谷: nausicaä of the valley of the wind
- 上之国町: kaminokuni, hokkaidō
- 伊豆之国市: izunokuni, shizuoka
- 子供之国站: stasiun kodomonokuni
- 拾又之国: gunjō no magmell
- 独生之国: one child nation
- 黑金之国: di negeri emas hitam
- 风之旅人: journey (permainan video 2012)
- 风之画[帅师]: painter of the wind
- 风之谷 (漫画): nausicaä of the valley of the wind (manga)
- 风之谷 (电影): nausicaä of the valley of the wind (filem); nausicaä of the valley of the wind (film)