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contoh kalimat aktif

"aktif" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Our mushroom strains were in the highly active range.
    Galur jamur-jamur kami termasuk kisaran sangat aktif.
  • I stopped engaging in clubs and leadership activities.
    Aku berhenti aktif di klub dan kegiatan kepemimpinan.
  • That means he's off to the Dead Room.
    Itu berarti dia tidak aktif ke Ruang Mati.
  • Off to the cupboard with you now, Chip.
    Tidak aktif untuk lemari dengan Anda sekarang, Chip.
  • You have a very active imagination. I don't think so.
    Kau punya imajinasi yang sangat aktif.
  • Well, the nerd squad is off and running.
    Nah, skuad kutu buku tidak aktif dan berjalan.
  • Even in death, the human body remains active.
    Meskipun dalam keadaan mati tubuh manusia masih aktif.
  • Ring your number and see if they've still got it.
    Telpon nomermu cek apa masih aktif.
  • The virus is designed to go inert after 24 hours.
    Virusnya dirancang aktif setelah 24 jam.
  • The windows are locked, doors are locked, alarm is on.
    Jendela dikunci, pintu dikunci, alarm aktif.
  • Those volcanic activities up north must be heating up the river
    Lahar aktif akan memanasi sungai
  • Armor piercing, self arming...accurate to a thousand yards.
    Senjata serbu, aktif sendiri...tepat sasaran sampai seribu yard.
  • Guys, motion detector just went off at Door 26.
    Kawan-kawan, sensor gerak di Pintu 26 aktif.
  • FULCRUM is still actively searching for the two of you.
    Fulcrum masih aktif mencari kalian berdua.
  • But there is a minority who actively oppose Surrogates
    Tapi ada minoritas yang aktif menentang pengganti
    "Peter mendapatkan bagian pertama Dia secara aktif terhubung"
  • It seems there's some dormant chemical in her brain.
    Tampaknya ada beberapa kimia aktif dalam otaknya.
  • I thought you said this was an inactive mission.
    Aku kira ini adalah misi tidak aktif.
  • No, no, I've been out for a while. - Okay.
    Tidak, aku non aktif beberapa waktu.
  • Inactive until it came in contact with the liquid.
    Tak aktif sampai racunnya bersentuhan dengan cairan
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