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contoh kalimat alexander

"alexander" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "alexander" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • It's been called an Alexander Graham Bell patent.
    Paten itu disebut paten Alexander Graham Bell --
  • Georgie Patton has already discussed his plan with Alexander.
    Georgie Patton sudah membahas rencananya dengan Alexander.
  • Cameron Alexander, well, he's a Venice Beach landmark.
    Cameron Alexander, yah, dia seorang Venice Beach tengara.
  • It's never easy to escape our mothers, Alexander.
    Tidak mudah melarikan diri dari ibu kita, Alexander.
  • Her eyes tell me she cares for you, Alexander.
    Matanya mengatakan padaku dia peduli untukmu, Alexander.
  • Who is this woman you call your queen, Alexander?
    Siapa wanita yang sebut ratu ini, Alexander?
  • The conspiracy, such as it was deeply upset Alexander.
    Persekongkolan, seperti itu membuat Alexander sangat marah.
  • And Alexander was no longer loved by all.
    Dan Alexander tidak lagi dicintai oleh semua orang.
  • I think Alexander would have been disappointed in us.
    Aku pikir Alexander akan kecewa kepada kami.
  • It's everything I've ever wanted for you, Alexander.
    Ini adalah segalanya yang ayah inginkan untukmu, Alexander.
  • So Mr. Alexander wants you to change the law.
    Jadi Tn. Alexander mau anda merubah hukum.
  • And now our resident hunger artist, Alexander Ribs!
    Dan sekarang artis penduduk kelaparan kami, Alexander Ribs!
  • Notes from my latest therapy session with Alexander.
    Catatan dari terbaru saya terapi sesi dengan Alexander.
  • She is the last direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus.
    Dia adalah keturunan terakhir dari Alexander Corvinus.
  • N-9-9-0-7, C-1 7, you're diverted to Alexander Airbase.
    N-9-9-0-7 C-1 7, Anda dialihkan ke Alexander Airbase.
  • Costa, did you finish drawing Alexander the Great?
    Costa, kau sudah selesai menggambar Alexander Agung ?
  • Alexander the Great went through Spain spreading his seed.
    Alexander Agung pergi melalui Spanyol menyebarkan benihnya.
  • Rolls' brother Alexander married the actress Helen Barry.
    Adik Rolls, Alexander, menikah dengan aktris Helen Barry.
  • Herod again suspected Alexander of plotting to kill him.
    Herodes kembali curiga bahwa Alexander ingin membunuhnya.
  • Jamie Alexander Blackley is a Manx-born British actor.
    Jamie Alexander Blackley merupakan seorang aktor Britania Raya.
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