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contoh kalimat alternative

"alternative" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I like to say that the alternatives are "on a par."
    Saya menyebut alternatif itu "sederajat."
  • You leave me no alternative but to result to force.
    Kau tdk memberiku pilihan, ini terpaksa.
  • But there is an alternative to this space cannon
    Tapi ada alternatif selain meriam angkasa ini.
  • It's a high-risk business, but, considering the alternatives
    Ini adalah bisnis berisiko tinggi, tapi, mempertimbangkan alternatif
  • But where we're a little light is in alternative energy.
    Tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan.
  • He leads the alternative services... in the library.
    dia memimpin layanan alternatif ... di perpustakaan .
  • Why can't I find a cool alternative boyfriend?
    Why can't I find a cool alternative boyfriend?
  • You can join us. Or the alternative. Die here!
    Merasa dikhianati dan dibenci dari teman-teman dekat.
  • Yeah, he was working the "alternative" thing pretty hard.
    Ya, dia melakukan hal "alternative" dengan keras.
  • You've hidden him so cleverly, there's no alternative.
    Kau tersembunyi dia begitu cerdik, ada alternatif lain.
  • Well, the alternative is we surround the building.
    Nah , alternatif adalah kita mengelilingi bangunan .
  • 'Cause the alternative is sitting here watching you pack.
    Sebagai alternatif duduk menyaksikanmu mengepak barang disini.
  • She just played and crushed the alternative stage.
    Dia baru saja bermain dan menghancurkan panggung alternatif.
  • But why perish when there was an alternative?
    Tapi kenapa aku harus mati jika ada alternatif?
  • We tried alternative methods, but... they didn't take.
    Kami sudah mencoba metode alternatif, tapi tidak berhasil.
  • Yeah, the air force is full of alternative units.
    Ya, angkatan udara adalah penuh unit alternatif.
  • I'm saying it makes more sense than the alternative.
    aku bilang lebih masuk akal daripada alternatif.
  • So I'm inclined to present them with an alternative
    jadi aku akan memberi mereka sebuah alternatif
  • Mr. Payne was just showing me - some alternative methods.
    Payne sedang mengajariku beberapa metode alternatif.
  • You fund some kind of alternative private military contractors?
    Kau penyandang dana semacam kontraktor militer pribadi?
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