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contoh kalimat anjuran

"anjuran" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • And I'm guessing that this is against doctor's wishes, too.
    Kurasa itu melanggar anjuran dokter juga.
  • From this moment you will exercise your full sovereign power.”
    Mulai sekarang saya ikuti anjuran Anda."
  • And that is the 40 years that women have advocated.
    Itulah hasil anjuran kepada para wanita selama 40 tahun.
  • Can offer them to the bureau on a consulting basis.
    Mereka bisa memberi anjuran pada biro atas dasar konsultasi.
  • Brazilwillbe forced to wear blue today againsttheheavily-favored home nation.
    Brasil diharuskan memakai biru hari ini mengikuti anjuran tuan rumah.
  • I'm doing the Dr. Riverbed fast.
    Aku melakukan diet anjuran Dr. Riverbed.
  • Advice, information the occasional stock tip.
    Anjuran, informasi, info saham sesekali.
  • The Belgians participated at the instigation of German-Belgian FIFA vice-president Rodolphe Seeldrayers.
    Belgia berpartisipasi atas anjuran wakil presiden FIFA Rodolphe Seeldrayers.
  • Fourier's social views and proposals inspired a whole movement of intentional communities.
    Pandangan dan anjuran sosial Fourier menginspirasi seluruh gerakan komunitas intensional.
  • Advocacy of pacifism can be found far back in history and literature.
    Anjuran pasifisme dapat ditemukan jauh di dalam sejarah dan literatur.
  • It was at the aforementioned Council of Clermont that the First Crusade was launched.
    Atas anjuran Konsili Clermont Perang Salib Pertama dimulai.
  • Living alone, don't bother others
    Langsung Minum Sesuai Anjuran.
  • Froissart recorded that Joanna took a bath against her physicians' advice.
    Froissart mencatat bahwa Jeanne mandi yang tidak sesuai dengan anjuran dari dokternya.
  • Upon the Cardinal's proposal, he offered Hunyadi the crown of Bulgaria.
    Atas anjuran Sang Kardinal, ia mengiming-imingi Yohanes dengan tawaran mahkota Kerajaan Bulgaria.
  • AIA launches Malaysia's Healthiest Workplace by AIA Vitality
  • Estimated at 2 years if stored as recommended.
    diperkirakan 2 tahun jika disimpan sesuai anjuran.
  • Only for diabetic patient following doctor's recommendation.
    Hanya untuk penderita kencing manis atas anjuran dokter.
  • Drink diabetes or insulin medicine as recommended by physician
    Minum obat diabetes atau insulin sesuai anjuran dokter
  • Adverse effects and the encouraged dosage of Winidrol
    Efek samping dan juga dosis anjuran Winidrol
  • 3. Drinking water as directed by doctors
    3. Minum air putih sesuai anjuran doker
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