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contoh kalimat archimandrite

"archimandrite" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Archimandrite Ambrose (Yerokhin), 19.03.1976 year of birth;
    Haharina Str., 19, Bila Tserkva, Kyiv Rgn., 09100
  • In 1882, Archimandrite Antonine (Kapustin) acquired the location for the Russian Orthodox Church.
    Pada tahun 1882, Archimandrite Antonine (Kapustin) membeli lokasi tersebut bagi Gereja Ortodoks Rusia.
  • In Egypt, the first home of monasticism, the jurisdiction of the abbot, or archimandrite, was but loosely defined.
    Di Mesir, negeri asal monastisisme, yurisdiksi abbas, atau arkimandrit, tidak kaku batasannya.
  • Archimandrite Cleopa Ilie (1912–1998), elder of the Sih?stria Monastery, is considered one of the most representative fathers of contemporary Romanian Orthodox monastic spirituality.
    Archimandrite Ilie Cleopa (1912–1998), penatua dari Sihǎstria Monastery, dianggap salah satu bapa yang paling mewakili spiritualitas monastik kontemprorer dalam Romanian Orthodox.
  • Theologically speaking, Archimandrite Daniel Byantoro has used the existing thought patterns of Indonesian culture to package Orthodox teaching within the Indonesian mental set up.
    Dalam hal teologi, Arkimandrit Daniel Byantoro memakai susunan pemikiran yang terdiri dari budaya Indonesia untuk mengemas ajaran Ortodoks dalam mental Indonesia.
  • In 1902 he enrolled at Moscow Theological Academy and by 1906 he had been elevated to the dignity of archimandrite and was appointed rector of the seminary at Tula.
    Pada 1902 ia masuk ke Akademi Teologi Moskow dan pada 1906 ia dilantik menjadi archimandrite dan ditunjuk menjadi rektor di sebuah seminari di Tula.
  • Daniel Bambang Dwi Byantoro (Chinese name "Chao Heung Jin (Cáo Héngjìn 曹衡进)") (born in Java, 1956) is an Indonesian archimandrite as well as founder of Indonesia Orthodox Church.
    Daniel Bambang Dwi Byantoro (nama Tionghoa "Chao Heung Jin (Cáo Héngjìn 曹衡进)") (lahir di Jawa tahun 1956) adalah seorang arkimandrit sekaligus pendiri Gereja Ortodoks Indonesia.
  • In the year 452, St. John the Baptist appeared to Archimandrite Marcellus of this monastery and indicated where his head was hidden in a water jar buried in the earth.
    Pada tahun 452, St. Yohanes Pembaptis muncul kepada Archimandrite Marcellus di biara itu dan menunjukkan di mana kepalanya disembunyikan, yaitu dalam sebuah guci air di dalam tanah.
  • The deputy chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate (DECR), Archimandrite Philaret Bulekov , noted "that the vast majority" of ROC members accepted the meeting and the results positively.
    Wakil ketua Departemen Hubungan Eksternal Gereja dari Patriarkat Moskwa (DECR), Arkhimandrit Philaret Bulekov menyampaikan bahwa sebagian besar umat GOR secara positif menerima pertemuan ini dan hasilnya.
  • Among the work's critics, Archimandrite Ephrem, writing in the Orthodox Christian journal Sourozh, has stated that the commentary "feels far too much like a piece of evangelical propaganda decked out in the trappings of Orthodoxy."
    Di antara para kritikus, Archimandrite Efrem, menulis dalam jurnal Kristen Ortodoks Sourozh, menyatakan bahwa komentari itu "rasanya terlalu banyak seperti sepotong propaganda injili yang dihiasi ornamen Ortodoks."
  • Since the time of Catherine II the ranks of Abbot and Archimandrite have been given as honorary titles in the Russian Church, and may be given to any monastic, even if he does not in fact serve as the superior of a monastery.
    Sejak era Ratu Katerina II jenjang abbas dan arkimandrit diberikan sebagai gelar kehormatan dalam Gereja Rusia, dan boleh diberikan kepada semua biarawan, sekalipun bukan kepala biara.
  • On September 6, 1983, he converted to the Orthodox Church with the blessing of Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Patriarch Demetrios and Metropolitan Bishop Dionysius of New Zealand and crismated by Archimandrite Sotirios Trambas (Zelon Bishop, serving in Korea).
    Pada 6 September 1983, ia pindah ke agama Kristen Ortodoks dengan pemberkatan dari Patriarkh Ekumenikal Konstantinopel, Patriark Demetrios, dan Uskup Metropolitan Dionisius dari Selandia Baru, dan dikrismakan oleh Arkmandrit Sotirios Trambas (Uskup Zelon, bertugas di Korea).