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contoh kalimat architecture

"architecture" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I never studied sculpture, engineering or architecture.
    Saya tidak pernah belajar seni patung, teknik, atau arsitektur.
  • So it means basically this architecture is a roof.
    Jadi pada dasarnya arsitektur ini adalah atap.
  • I need to watch this documentary on Asian architecture.
    Aku harus menonton dokumenter tentang arsitektur asia.
  • Egghead watched a bad documentary on Asian architecture.
    Kepala telur melihat dokumen buruk di kebudayaan Asia.
  • Shall we take a look at some paradoxical architecture?
    Kalau kita melihat di beberapa arsitektur paradoks?
  • I had just returned from studying architecture in America
    Aku baru menyelesaikan belajar arsitektur di Amerika
  • Local Integrated System Architecture doesn't even mean anything.
    Local Integrated System Architecture bahkan tidak berarti apapun.
  • It's an odd shape for architecture this period.
    Bentuk yang aneh di era arsitek masa kini.
  • As soon as I understand the system's architecture, yeah.
    Segera aku mengerti sistem ini arsitektur, ya.
  • He also taught architecture in Milan and Palermo.
    Ia juga mengajar arsitektur di Milan dan Palermo.
  • Three styles of architecture are predominant in urban Beijing.
    Tiga gaya arsitektur mendominasi di perkotaan Beijing.
  • According to Vitruvius, architecture is an imitation of nature.
    Menurut Vitruvius, arsitektur adalah tiruan dari alam.
  • Isozaki won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2019.
    Isozaki dianugerahi Penghargaan Arsitektur Pritzker pada tahun 2019.
  • These new form of architecture is called Indische Stijl.
    Bentuk arsitektur baru ini disebut the Indies.
  • The station building was designed with the Stalinist architecture style.
    Stasiunnya dibuat dengan gaya arsitektur Stalin.
  • Mayne received the Pritzker Architecture Prize in March 2005.
    Mayne meraih Penghargaan Pritzker pada Maret 2005.
  • Pei's work is celebrated throughout the world of architecture.
    Karya Pei dielu-elukan di panggung arsitektur dunia.
  • Built in Mughal and Italian architecture styles.
    Arsitektur masjid ini memadukan Arsitektur Mughal dengan gaya Italia.
  • They've been in use, in architecture, since ancient times.
    Mereka telah digunakan dalam arsitektur sejak zaman dahulu.
  • Hospital architecture has earned its bad reputation.
    Arsitektur rumah sakit telah meraih reputasi yang buruk.
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