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contoh kalimat around

"around" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Meanwhile, I had grown up around a lot of teachers.
    Saya tumbuh di antara banyak guru.
  • I turned around to check on my friend's house.
    Saya berbalik untuk mengunjungi rumah teman saya.
  • All this noise around us actually has information.
    Semua keributan di sekitar kita sebenarnya mengandung informasi.
  • As you go around these places there's plenty of aesthetics.
    Saat Anda berkeliling ada banyak keindahan
  • Move your eyes around, blink, maybe close one eye.
    Gerakkan mata Anda, mungkin tutup satu mata.
  • I've come around in the last 10 years.
    Saya telah berubah pikiran 10 tahun terakhir ini.
  • There's not really a lot of community support around it.
    Tidak begitu banyak dukungan dari lingkungan.
  • For us, we're very facile around electricity.
    Buat kita, kita sangat cuek dengan listrik disekitar kita.
  • And if we just scroll around, it's just massive.
    Dan kita bisa scroll kemana-mana, banyak sekali.
  • Look around. Everywhere. Look at your smart phone.
    Lihatlah di sekitar. Di mana-mana. Lihatlah ponsel Anda.
  • And they are around three billion such letters long.
    Panjang genom itu sekitar 3 miliar huruf.
  • It involved 17 different projects around the world.
    Itu termasuk 17 proyek berbeda dari seluruh dunia.
  • It's to keep the men around him alive.
    Untuk mempertahankan orang-orang di sekitarnya agar tetap hidup.
  • We have to turn around and come back again.
    Kami harus memutar balik dan kembali lagi.
  • Most people died around the age of 50.
    Kebanyakan orang meninggal pada usia sekitar 50 tahun.
  • What we want to do is spin that around.
    Yang ingin kita lakukan adalah untuk memutar-balikkannya.
  • Their brain does not slosh around like ours does.
    Otak mereka tidak cair seperti otak kita.
  • And governments are very ambitious around the world.
    Dan pemerintah di seluruh dunia pun ikut ambisius.
  • Around them, the bodies were bloating and turning black.
    Di sekitar mereka, mayat-mayat mengapung dan menghitam.
  • You might have to stay around a little longer.
    Kau mungkin harus tinggal sedikit lebih lama.
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