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contoh kalimat astronomical

"astronomical" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • They're a kind of premonition of modern astronomical ideas.
    Mereka adalah semacam firasat ide astronomi modern.
  • Its a medieval astronomical sign... for the sun.
    Ini pertanda astronomi abad pertengahan ... untuk matahari.
  • How fascinating that an astronomical event can affect the quality.
    Menariknya peristiwa astronomi dapat mempengaruhi kualitas
  • Once I tried to calculate them, but they're astronomical.
    Sudah kucoba menghitungnya, tapi itu tak pasti.
  • List of the most distant astronomical objects List of galaxies
    Daftar objek astronomi terjauh Daftar galaksi
  • The odds against anything going wrong are astronomical.
    Kemungkinan terhadap sesuatu yang tidak beres astronomi.
  • Actually, Doctor... your astronomical advice was most helpful.
    Sebenarnya, Dokter... Kau saran astronomi sangat membantu.
  • Al-Battani made accurate astronomical measurement a personal obsession.
    Al-Battani dibuat akurat pengukuran astronomi obsesi pribadi.
  • You think I've been paying your astronomical bar tabs
    Kau pikir aku membayar tagihan barmu yang selangit
  • The same can be said about the Astronomical Book.
    Hal yang sama dapat dikatakan tentang Kitab Astronomis.
  • This applies from small to astronomical scales.
    Hal ini berlaku dari skala kecil sampai astronomi.
  • He had a special liking for astronomical devices.
    Ia memiliki ketertarikan khusus pada peralatan astronomi.
  • There were dissecting rooms and an astronomical observatory.
    Ada kamar bedah dan observatorium astronomi.
  • The player has asked for an astronomical sum.
    Itu sudah 2 kali kanan? Kamu yakin lewat sini sebelumnya?
  • "If the fundamental values of the astronomical measurements of the Greeks,
    "Jika nilai-nilai fundamental pengukuran astronomi orang-orang Yunani,
  • You'd think, with it being astronomical, it could be calculated somehow.
    Kurasa, secara ilmu astronomi, kita bisa memperkirakannya.
  • The world, Mr. Lawrence, is now experiencing strange astronomical phenomena.
    Dunia, Tn. Lawrence, sekarang mengalami fenomena astronomi aneh.
  • A sophisticated water-powered astronomical clock was built by Al-Jazari in 1206.
    Al-Jazari dibangun Automata diprogram pada tahun 1206.
  • He discovered he had a talent for using astronomical instruments.
    Ia menemukan dia punya bakat untuk menggunakan instrumen astronomi.
  • The odds of running into another that size are astronomical.
    Dengan ukuran sebesar itu, pasti dia ke wilayah lain.
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