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contoh kalimat ave

"ave" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • 58 7 4 MuIIie Ave., Ninth Ward, New orleans.
    5874 Mullie Ave., Ninth Ward, New Orleans.
  • But there are indicators of an Ave Maria cipher.
    Tapi ada Indikator dari sandi Ave Maria
  • Request a unit be sent to 713 Whitney Ave.
    Meminta unit dikirim untuk 713 Whitney Ave,
  • There are now five Ave Maria Mutual Funds.
    Saat ini terdapat lima Ave Maria Mutual Funds.
  • I'm gonna say a black Ave Maria for you.
    Saya akan mengatakan hitam Ave Maria untuk Anda.
  • Some guy went nuts over off of Com Ave.
    Ada seseorng yang tiba-tiba masuk ke Com Ave.
  • Ave, Dad. I was in Greece. - A word.
    ave ayah, aku telah kembali dari yunani berbincang?
  • We do what we ave to do.
    kita harus melakukan apa yang harus kita lakukan.
  • There's a new sports bar over on Colorado Ave
    Ada sebuah bar baru di Colorado Ave ..
  • Trains me down at the gym on fourth ave.
    Dia melatihku di sasana tinju di fourth ave.
  • The stakes ave too high for you to stay home.
    Terlalu tinggi resiko jika kalian dia dirumah.
  • The season was produced by Rhode Island Ave.
    Musim ini diproduksi oleh Rhode Island Ave.
  • Ave wrote about Indonesian art and craft.
    Ave juga menulis tentang seni dan kerajinan Indonesia.
  • .. a black Ave Maria for you!
    .. a Ave Maria hitam untuk anda!
  • The mob are sacking houses, 27th Street and Seventh Ave.
    Massa kerumuni rumah2, Jalan no 27, Seventh Avenue.
  • "Ave Maria for soprano by Clément Mathieu."
    "Ave Maria untuk soprano oleh Clement Mathieu"
  • Two-four King, respond to 1031 at 642 Madison Ave.
    24 King, jawab kode 10-31 di Jalan Madison 642.
  • We 'ave weathered the most terrible storms
    Kita semua sudah melewati badai paling buruk
  • Ave, Vladislaus Dracul Filius, vaivoda partium Transalpinarum.
    Ave, Vladislaus Dracul Filius, Vaivoda partium Transalpinarum.
  • Okay, he's at 69th, just off Amsterdam Ave.
    Okay, dia berada di 69th, baru saja dari Amsterdam Ave.
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