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contoh kalimat bastion

"bastion" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The bedroom is the last bastion of the bourgeoisie.
    Kamar tidur adalah yang terakhir benteng borjuasi.
  • There are 9 severely damaged artilleries at the bastion.
    terdapat 9 rusak parah artileri di bastion.
  • The Swiss are willing to lend us Le Bastion.
    Swiss bersedia meminjamkan kami Le Bastion.
  • The 9M117 Bastion is a Russian laser beam-riding anti-tank missile.
    9M117 Bastion adalah misil anti-tank beam-riding laser Rusia.
  • The outer bastion is cleared of rebels.
    Di luar benteng tak ada pemberontak.
  • That bastion was buzzing like a beehive.
    Benteng itu berisik seperti sarang lebah.
  • Have you reached the Ertugrul Bastion, yet?
    telah anda mencapai Ertugrul Bastion, namun?
  • Bastion of all I do adore
    Benteng dari semua saya lakukan memuja
  • (female) You come back here, Mr. Bastion! You need to take your medicine!
    Tuan Bastion Anda harus meminum obat Anda!
  • Kilitbahir Mecidiye Bastion To your positions!
    Kilitbahir Mecidiye Bastion ke posisi anda!
  • So, I'll be off to Bastion.
    Jadi, saya akan pergi ke Bastion.
  • (female) Mr. Bastion, you come back here. You need to take your pills!
    kembali ke sini Anda harus meminum pil Anda.
  • Insomniaalone, the crown city and last bastion ofLuciandefense remainedbeyondniflheim reachformanyyears.
    SehinggahanyaInsomnia, kota yg sekaligus menjadi benteng terakhir daripertahananrakyatLucian tetaptakbisadijangkauoleh Niflheim selamabertahun-tahunlamanya.
  • He turns up three days later at bastion, not a scratch on him.
    Kemudian dia muncul tiga hari setelah penyerbuan, tanpa goresan.
  • 20th century bastion in Switzerland.
    Selekoh abad ke-20 di Swiss.
  • Now, for bureaucratic reasons, culture's arch-enemies... have seized this bastion of liberty.
    Sekarang, untuk alasan birokrasi, budaya's arch-musuh ... merebut benteng ini kebebasan.
  • Hold on, Mr. Bastion.
    Aku akan menghubungi dokter Anda.
  • The southern fortification wall has a huge bastion in the southwestern corner.
    Dinding benteng selatan memiliki selekoh (bastion) besar di sudut barat daya.
  • Defensive Bastion Hesco Barriers For Military Sand Wall
    Hambatan pertahanan Hesco Hambatan Untuk Dinding Pasir Militer
  • Galvanized Mesh Hesco Bastion Specification Defense Barriers Wall
    Galvanized Mesh Hesco Bastion Spesifikasi Pertahanan Hambatan Dinding
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