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contoh kalimat beautiful

"beautiful" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • We do all kinds of things to remain beautiful.
    Kita melakukan banyak hal untuk tetap cantik.
  • That is our poetry. That is our beautiful story.
    Inilah puisi kita. Inilah cerita indah kita.
  • There is plenty of beautiful things going on.
    Ada banyak hal indah sedang terjadi. Banyak malaikat
  • Such beautiful food, I enjoyed it. It was so beautiful.
    Masakannya enak, Saya menikmatinya. Benar-benar indah.
  • Such beautiful food, I enjoyed it. It was so beautiful.
    Masakannya enak, Saya menikmatinya. Benar-benar indah.
  • "Why not?" "The woman, look how beautiful she is."
    “Mengapa tidak?” “Lihatlah dia, dia cantik sekali.”
  • It was beautiful. They lifted me into the cockpit.
    Sangat indah. Mereka mengangkat saya ke kokpit.
  • A scary ghost is more shocking than beautiful goddesses.
    Hantu menakutkan lebih mengejutkan dari dewi cantik.
  • I can see the beautiful twilight in the sky.
    Aku bisa melihat senja indah di langit.
  • Did you ever see such a beautiful dress?
    Apa kau pernah melihat gaun yang seindah ini?
  • And she who is born beautiful, is born married.
    Dan dia yang lahir cantik, lahir menikah.
  • The queen of Egypt is beautiful, as he told me.
    Ratu Mesir memang cantik, seperti katanya.
  • See how beautiful the paintings are on the walls!
    Lihat betapa indah lukisan-lukisan di dinding !
  • They say it is full of beautiful savages.
    Katanya banyak makhluk liar yang indah di sana.
  • You are so strong. So though. You are beautiful.
    Kau sangat kuat, berotot ... indah sekali.
  • As you see, it's a beautiful day.
    Seperti yg kau liat, ini adalah hari yg indah.
  • Man, you're a gorgeous, brown, beautiful little girl.
    Man, kau, cantik coklat, gadis kecil yang cantik.
  • You have a beautiful wife who loves you.
    Anda memiliki istri yang cantik yang mengasihi Anda.
  • Yet, never a scratch on this beautiful body.
    Namun, tidak pernah awal pada tubuh indah ini.
  • So select 10 beautiful girls to sleep with me.
    Bawa 10 gadis cantik untuk tidur denganku!
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