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contoh kalimat beroperasi

"beroperasi" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • It's to say we operate on two levels.
    Namun berkata bahwa kita beroperasi pada dua tingkatan.
  • Do you know which airport they operate from?
    Apakah kau tahu, dari bandara mana mereka beroperasi?
  • All planetary defense systems have just gone inoperative!
    Semua sistem pertahanan planet baru saja tidak beroperasi!
  • Their shields are operating on a modulation of 257.4.
    Perisai mereka yang beroperasi pada modulasi 257,4.
  • Is there a terrorist cell operating in the city?
    Apa ada kelompok teroris beroperasi di kota?
  • You've seen the way the sneaky blackguard operates.
    Anda telah melihat cara para bajingan licik beroperasi.
  • They have to operate under the radar, all right?
    Mereka harus beroperasi di bawah radar, paham?
  • Driscoll just announced you're operating outside her authority.
    Driscoll saja mengumumkan Anda beroperasi di luar kekuasaannya.
  • Come on. KAOS has been defunct for 20 years.
    KAOS sudah tidak beroperasi selama 20 tahun.
  • I programed you to operate at a reduced level.
    Aku memprogrammu untuk beroperasi pada level menurun.
  • And the union workhouses, are they still in operation?
    Dan lembaga serikat pekerja, apa masih beroperasi?
  • It's operating out of a hospital in Samarra.
    Itu beroperasi di sebuah rumah sakit di Samarra.
  • McTeer hit the bay area for 18 months.
    McTeer beroperasi di Pelican Bay selama 18 bulan.
  • You have operatives all over the world tracking aliens.
    Kau beroperasi di seluruh dunia melacak alien.
  • What if the C.D.C. is still up and running?
    Bagaimana jika C.D.C. masih ada dan beroperasi?
  • She robs passengers in moving trains.
    Kerjaannya, menipu para penumpang di gerbong kereta api yang beroperasi.
  • Operating on a special plane because of The Eye?
    Beroperasi di sebuah pesawat khusus karena "Mata"?
  • Rail services are currently operating at 15%.
    Layanan Kereta Api saat ini beroperasi dgn kapasitas 15%.
  • The FLDSMDFR survived the explosion, and it's still operating.
    FLDSMDFR selamat dari ledakan dan masih beroperasi.
  • They operate from deep within thejungle, from bunkers..
    Mereka beroperasi dari dalam hutan, dari benteng pertahanannya..
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