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contoh kalimat bertindak

"bertindak" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • We don't notice and therefore we don't act.
    Kita tidak memperhatikan dan karenanya kita tidak bertindak.
  • He didn't. Shane didn't let him do that.
    Dia tidak bertindak, Shane membiarkan dia melakukan itu.
  • We're all agreed, Wyatt, you should run the show.
    Kami semua setuju Wyatt, kau harus bertindak.
  • You can't just act on your own whims.
    Anda tidak bisa bertindak dengan dasar keinginanmu sendiri.
  • Start behaving like an adult. You're a mother.
    Sudah saatnya Anda bertindak seperti orang dewasa .
  • These men talk and act just like beasts, you see.
    Mereka bicara dan bertindak seperti binatang.
  • Act as if you've been here the whole time.
    Bertindak seolah-olah kamu telah sini sepanjang waktu.
  • You also have four actors that cant act.
    juga memiliki empat pemain yang tidak bisa bertindak.
  • What do you mean i cant act?
    Apa yang Anda ingin mengatakan kita tidak bisa bertindak?
  • Sometimes they're going to act a little out of sorts.
    Kadang-kadang mereka memang bertindak lewat batas
  • We'll go to Broadway and check out the action.
    Kita akan ke Broadway dan mulai bertindak.
  • You wanna stay here or check out the action?
    Kau mau tetap di sini atau bertindak?
  • They may have acted entirely on their own.
    Mereka mungkin telah bertindak sepenuhnya pada mereka sendiri.
  • Everybody that's been infected certainly seems to act aggressively.
    Setiap orang yang terinfeksi tampak bertindak agresif.
  • You think like them, you act like them!
    Anda berpikir seperti mereka, Anda bertindak seperti mereka!
  • I think what I like and I do what I like.
    Aku berpikir dan bertindak sesukaku.
  • We don't have to act like we say.
    Kami tidak harus bertindak seperti kita katakan .
  • And this difficulty has caused him to act out.
    Dan kesulitan itu membuatnya bertindak tak wajar.
  • I believe that these young men are right.
    Aku percaya bahwa anak-anak muda ini bertindak benar.
  • You guys are more stupid than I thought. Step aside.
    Jangan coba bertindak bodoh, minggir kalian.
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