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contoh kalimat berundur

"berundur" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Look, it ain't like I'm quitting on you, Doug.
    Dengar, bukan maksudku untuk berundur, Doug.
  • We must retreat and regroup our forces.
    Kita harus berundur dan menyusun pasukan. Kita akan kembali lagi.
  • If you have no questions, touch gloves, back up.
    Jika tidak ada lagi eprtanyaan, sentuh sarung tinju, berundur.
  • Or I may say, "No, you have to take three steps back."
    Atau aku boleh kata "Tak, kau berundur tiga langkah."
  • Stand back if anything happens.
    berundur saja kalau berlaku sesuatu.
  • Let's fall back for now!
    Mari kita berundur sekarang!
  • If you didn't think it was safe, you shouldn't have backed down.
    Jika anda tidak menganggap hal itu aman, anda seharusnya tidak berundur.
  • Exit gracefully from iPhoto on both the machines.
    Berundur secara terhormat dari iPhoto pada kedua-dua mesin.
  • You're one step behind
    Kaulah yg seharusnya berundur
  • Hey, if you move backwards, your face size will have a difference, kid!
    Hey, kalau kau berundur kebelakang, saiz wajah kau akan berubah, budak!
  • We're not going backwards.
    Kita tidak akan berundur.
  • Brest-Litovsk between Russia and Germany saw Russia withdraw from the war.
    Brest-Litovsk diantara Rusia dan Jerman memperlihatkan Rusia berundur dari
  • So you came all the way to Mystic Falls just to back off when I ask you to?
    Kau datang ke Mystic Falls untuk berundur bila aku minta?
  • "The two Spanish destroyers fell out of the action quickly and beached themselves, damaged heavily.
    Kedua kapal pemusnah Spanyol berundur dari beraksi dengan cepatnya dan mengkandaskan diri mereka dengan kerosakan teruk.
  • Magua's wife believed he was dead and became the wife of another. The Grey Hair was the father of all that.
    Aku percaya Kolonel Munro tapi Jeneral Webb takkan patuhi syarat untuk berundur.
  • All of the men under my command... men who trusted me... who begged me to pull back... not one of them made it.
    Semua orang di bawah arahan ku... orang yang mempercayaiku... meminta untuk berundur... mereka tidak salah.
  • In 1526 the Portuguese attacked his domain again and forced him to retreat to Kampar and to establish his rule there.
    Pada tahun 1526, Portugis telah menyerang kerajaannya sekali lagi menyebabkan baginda terpaksa berundur ke Kampar dan mendirikan kerajaannya di sana.