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contoh kalimat bipolar

"bipolar" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • World Health bipolar universe
    Dunia dibagi menjadi Bumi dan Surga ketika ' Qiqn dan Kun' diciptakan.
  • I think I have schizoaffective disorder with bipolar tendencies.
    Aku mengalami schizophrenia karena kecenderungan bipolar.
  • You may be bipolar, but you're a genius.
    Kau mungkin selalu salah, tapi kau jenius.
  • Well, he's a high-functioning bipolar borderline personality.
    Yah, dia yang berfungsi tinggi bipolar batas kepribadian.
  • Depression, bipolar disorder with deep-seeded narcissism.
    Depresi, bipolar disorder(tidak bisa mengendalikan diri dengan terlalu narsis.
  • The case officer in question, she's been diagnosed as bipolar.
    Agen yang diinterogasi dia didiagnosa menderita bipolar.
  • I'm starting to think that Maddie is bipolar.
    Aku mulai berpikir bahwa Maddie itu bipolar.
  • He thinks a bipolar world is inherently more stable.
    Dia pikir dunia bipolar lebih stabil.
  • Well, neuropsychiatry. Because of paranoid delusions and bipolar disorder
    Ya, karena banyak yang dia pikirkan.
  • Then, Ris Low was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
    Ris Low juga didiagnosis mengidap gangguan bipolar..
  • Bipolar disorder is nicknamed the CEO disease.
    maniak depresi adalah sebutan bagi penyakit CEO
  • They think I have schizo-affective disorder with bipolar tendencies.
    Mereka pikir aku kena gangguan schizo-affective dengan kecenderungan bipolar
  • Had your mother been diagnosed as bipolar?
    Apakah ibumu pernah di diagnosa mengidap bipolar?
  • The case officer in question, she's been diagnosed as bipolar.
    Petugas kasus tersebut, dia sudah didiagnosis sebagai bipolar.
  • The case officer in question, she's been diagnosed as bipolar.
    Petugas kasus yang diinterogasi dia didiagnosis menderita bipolar.
  • Oh, it's probably "my arc on CSI as a bipolar mistress."
    Mungkin peranku di CSI sebagai selingkuhan gila".
  • The discussion on the bipolar behavior of the metropolitan consumer..
    Pembahasan pada perilaku bipolar dari konsumen metropolitan ..
  • She was diagnosed as bipolar when you very young.
    Dia didiagnosa mengindap 'bipolar' saat kau masih sangat muda."
  • Tell me why you think you're bipolar.
    Beritahu aku mengapa kau menganggap dirimu bipolar.
  • Bipolar is what makes me who I am.
    Bipolar adalah apa yang membuat ku menjadi diriku yang sebenarnya..
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