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contoh kalimat bishop

"bishop" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Your Grace, Bishop Folliot has arrived from London.
    Anda Grace, FoIliot Uskup telah tiba dari London.
  • Why would anyone want to do that to a bishop?
    Siapa yang mau menculik seorang Uskup?
  • The bishop broke his vows to tell me this.
    Uskup itu melanggar sumpahnya untuk memberitahu aku.
  • Tell me where Bishop is and I'm gone.
    Katakan di mana Bishop dan aku akan pergi.
  • Bishop predicted you would act just like this
    Bishop sudah memperkirakan kau akan bertindak seperti ini.
  • Dr. Bishop gave me something for the pain.
    Dr. Bishop memberi saya sesuatu untuk menghilangkan sakitnya
  • What can I do for you mr. bishop?
    Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untukmu Tn. Bishop?
  • Dr. Bishop and I are approaching the house.
    Agen Broyles, Dr. Bishop dan aku mendekati rumah.
  • I took your Advanced Biochem seminar, Dr. Bishop.
    Aku mengikuti seminar Biokimia Lanjutan anda, Dr. Bishop.
  • He, uh, he wants us to move Peter bishop.
    Dia...dia ingin kita untuk memindahkan Peter Bishop.
  • And you also got files on both bishops,
    Dan kamu juga punya file pada kedua Bishop,
  • And Peter Bishop is uniquely tuned to operate it.
    Dan Peter Bishop secara unik bisa mengoperasikannya.
  • You really think Peter Bishop can stop this?
    Kamu sungguh berpikir Peter Bishop bisa menghentikan ini?
  • Josh, there is an order to things, and Bishop
    Josh, ada pesanan untuk hal-hal, dan Uskup
  • Who are you? He's saying that his name is Peter Bishop.
    Dia mengatakan namanya Peter Bishop.
  • Walter calls this "The Walter Bishop Faraday Harness."
    Ini. Walter menyebutnya "The Walter Bishop Faraday Harness."
  • You know how this company works, Mr. Bishop.
    Kau tahu cara kerja perusahaan ini, Tn. Bishop.
  • That call you got, was that Secretary Bishop?
    Yang tadi meneleponmu tadi, itu Menteri Pertahanan Bishop?
  • But if Maxwell isn't The Bishop, then who is?
    Tapi kalau Maxwell bukan Bishop, jadi siapa?
  • So-- okay, well, the rook takes bishop.
    Sehingga -- setuju, baik, uskup pengambilan benteng dalam catur.
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