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contoh kalimat bloom

"bloom" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • He was a simpleton, she in full bloom.
    Dia kan orang bodoh. Dia kan penuh bunga,
  • He grew into the wood, into the bloom.
    Dia tumbuh ke dalam batang, ke dalam bunga.
  • And because it makes you bloom like a flower.
    Dan karena itu membuatmu mekar seperti bunga.
  • All life here depends on this plankton bloom.
    Semua hidup di sini tergantung plankton ini mekar.
  • And when they were in bloom every year,
    Dan ketika mereka berada di mekar setiap tahun,
  • Will, what is my cattle there? In full bloom, I hope.
    Will, apa ternak aku ada?
  • I want you to find Dr. Xenon Bloom.
    Saya ingin Anda untuk menemukan Dr. Xenon Bloom.
  • Don't say I did not warn you, Dr. Bloom.
    Jangan bilang aku tak memperingatkanmu, Dr. Bloom.
  • I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, Dr. Bloom.
    Aku tak paham, Dr. Bloom.
  • Then did Mr. Bloom set up the rescue?
    Lalu apa Tn. Bloom yang atur penyelamatan ini?
  • I see them bloom, for me and you.
    I see them bloom, for me and you.
  • I won't be selling you this house, Mr. Bloom.
    Takkan kujual rumah ini padamu, Tn.
  • That orchid is only in bloom for another two weeks.
    anggrek itu hanya mekar selama dua minggu.
  • The heat bloom your satellite detected makes more sense now.
    Panas yang dideteksi satelitmu jadi jelas sekarang.
  • The greater the bloom, the more abundant the shoals.
    Semakin besar itu mekar, yang semakin banyak beting.
  • "I'll be back in time to see them bloom."
    "Aku segera kembali untuk melihat bunga ini mekar."
  • When the spring flowers bloom again, the year is up,
    Saat bunga musim semi berbunga waktumu habis.
  • He was seen harassing Archie Bloom at work.
    Dia terlihat melecehkan Archie Bloom saat bekerja.
  • Evidence linking you to the murder of Archie Bloom.
    Bukti yg menghubungkan anda dengan kematian Archie Bloom.
  • Where a flower fell, another flower will bloom again.
    Dimanabungajatuh, bunga lain akan mekar lagi
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3