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contoh kalimat break-in

"break-in" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The break-in at CONTROL was probably an inside job.
    Pembobolan CONTROL kemungkinan besar perbuatan orang dalam.
  • Security is showing a break-in at the R D Department.
    Keamanan bilang Departemen Litbang sedang dibobol.
  • Corporate sent us to check out the recent break-in.
    Perusahaan mengirimkan untuk memeriksa baru-baru ini break-in.
  • Excuse me... officer, I'd like to report a break-in.
    Permisi... petugas, Saya ingin melaporkan istirahat -in.
  • You know, it's... Doesn't look like it was a break-in.
    Kau tahu, tak ada tanda pendobrakan.
  • I am getting reports there's a break-in at Arkham.
    Aku dapat laporan ada pembobolan di Arkham.
  • But CSI found no signs of a break-in.
    Tapi tak ada tanda ditemukan TKP di terobos.
  • The only thing that makes sense is a break-in.
    Satu-satunya hal yang masuk akal adalah pencurian.
  • There was a break-in at this laboratory, late November.
    Ada pembobolan di lab ini, akhir November.
  • I just got a call that there was a break-in.
    Aku baru dapat laporan terjadi pembobolan.
  • Then there must be security footage of that break-in.
    Berarti pastinya ada rekaman CCTV pembobolan itu.
  • What if he has to speak in the break-in?
    Bagaimana jika ia harus berbicara di dalam perpecahan?
  • To what do I owe the honor of this break-in?
    Karena apa Saya berhutang budi pada penyusup?
  • Last night we had a break-in at the facility.
    Malam tadi, kami datang ke lab.
  • So this doesn't feel like a normal break-in?
    Jadi ini rasanya bukan seperti pembobolan biasa?
  • Mahone thinks this book has a plan for the break-in.
    Mahone berpendapat buku ini memuat rencana pendobrakan.
  • The sheriff said there's no sign of a break-In.
    Sherrif bilang tak ada tanda pendobrakan.
  • There was a break-in here. Did you see or hear anything?
    Apakah kamu melihat atau mendengar sesuatu?
  • Tell me, has there been a break-in?
    Kau teman sekamarnya. Beritahu aku, apa di sana ada pembobolan?
  • No. The break-in is connected to LaRoche's internal investigation.
    Tidak, pembobolan berhubungan dengan dengan penyelidikan internal LaRoche.
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