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contoh kalimat cafe

"cafe" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "cafe" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Every village in Africa now has a cyber cafe.
    Setiap desa di Afrika sekarang mempunyai warnet.
  • We also talked about the White Shark Cafe.
    Kita juga membicarakan tentang Kafe Ikan Hiu Putih.
  • He was killed in a cafe - what looks like a hit.
    Ia terbunuh di Cafe.
  • Nice to see you man. is this cafe yours?
    Senang bertemu manusia. ls ini Anda kafe?
  • Perhaps he failed to leave the Internet Cafe yesterday.
    Mungkin dia gagal meninggalkan Internet Cafe kemarin.
  • What other drinks do they serve in cafes?
    Minuman apa lagi yang mereka sediakan di kafe?
  • P' In's cafe, it's at the back of the uni.
    Kafe P'In, itu di belakang universitas.
  • The first floor will have the gallery and cafe.
    Lantai pertama akan dibangun galeri dan kafe.
  • "Sky Hawk Internet Cafe Gong Hua East Road"
    "Sky Elang Internet Cafe Gong Hua East Road"
  • They made contact. Arrest the woman in the cafe.
    Mereka melakukan kontak Tangkap wanita di kafe
  • Just talked to the maitre d' at Cafe Tuscany.
    aku berbicara dengan penjaga di Cafe Tuscany.
  • How do you know those men at the cafe?
    Bagaimana kau mengenal ahjussi-ahjussi di cafe tadi?
  • James Cameron's Titanic Cafe was a great idea.
    James Cameron Titanic Cafe adalah ide yang bagus.
  • They have no money, to sit in cafes.
    Mereka tak punya uang untuk masuk ke kafe.
  • He's not here. He's at the cafe opposite the church.
    Dia ada di kafe seberang gereja.
  • People sit around in cafes criticising everything.
    Orang - orang duduk di kafe mengkritik segala sesuatu.
  • I think you should go out of my cafe right now.
    Kurasa sebaiknya kau keluar sekarang.
  • Hey, those guys we just passed at the cafe?
    Orang-orang yang kita lewati di kafe tadi.
  • You think the cafe owner was on that train?
    Menurutmu pemilik cafe berada di kereta itu?
  • Cafe Azzuro. He'll be there every morning.
    Kafe azzuro Dia akan berada di sana setiap pagi.
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