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contoh kalimat carriage

"carriage" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • May I send for madam's horse and carriage?
    Bolehkah saya mengirim untuk Madam's kuda dan kereta?
  • Put the injured ones into the carriage and bury the dead.
    Kalian berdua, bawa emasnya !
  • Prepare a carriage for me, I am going home.
    Persiapkan kereta kuda untukku, Aku akan pulang.
  • I told you to stay in the carriage.
    Aku sudah katakan padamu untuk tunggu di kereta!
  • And you will have more fine carriages than Jane.
    Keretamu pasti lebih bagus dari Jane kelak.
  • She's... She's gone. She took your brother's carriage.
    dia ... dia sudah pergi membawa kereta saudaramu.
  • On this carriage ride That they call life
    Di kereta ini perjalanan itu mereka sebut kehidupan
  • A small remodelled barn, or a carriage house.
    Gudang kecil yang dirubah bentuk, atau rumah kereta.
  • Lived in the carriage house on my family's property
    Tinggal di rumah kereta keluarga saya properti
  • Maybe there's some donkey cock in your carriage!
    Mungkin ada ayam keledai di dalam kereta Anda!
  • Drunk driving carriage will be fined 2 dollars
    Mengendarai kuda sambil mabuk akan didenda 2 dollar
  • The private carriage will stop opposite the stand.
    Kereta api khusus akan berhenti di jalur berlawanan.
  • King George's carriage must be spotless for tomorrow'souourney.
    Kereta Raja George harus bersih untuk perjalanan besok.
  • They're going to go there by a carriage.
    Mereka akan pergi ke sana dengan kereta. Bersiaplah.
  • We should really have horsedrawn carriages at the ready.
    Kita seharusnya punya kereta kuda yang bersiap.
  • And the biggest was the size of a carriage.
    Dan yang terbesar adalah seukuran kereta kuda.
  • The carriage is too slow, we must leave it.
    Kereta ini terlalu lamban, kita harus meninggalkannya.
  • Um, I have some very important equipment Damaged in my carriage.
    Aku punya masalah dengan keretaku.
  • The carriage I leased was swept away in the night.
    Gerbong Aku disewakan tersapu dalam malam.
  • That's the carriage house... To me, to me, to me
    Itulah rumah kereta.... untukku, untukku, untukku
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