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contoh kalimat cattle

"cattle" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Take your people, your cattle, your god and your pestilence.
    Bawa bangsa, ternak, Tuhan dan wabahmu.
  • And don't forget to get back before those cattle drives.
    Jangan lupa kembali sebelum ternak datang.
  • The critters are eating the cattle out there.
    Makhluk-makhluk memakan ternak yang ada di luar sana.
  • Are you familiar with the phenomenon of cattle mutilations?
    Apa kamu akrab dengan fenomena mutilasi ternak?
  • At least we've gotten rid of those damn cattle.
    Setidaknya kita telah menyingkirkan sapi-sapi sial itu
  • Because there's no such thing as cattle mutilation.
    Karena tidak ada hal seperti mutilasi hewan ternak.
  • You got your horses back, didn't you? And your cattle?
    Anda dapat kuda mu kembali, bukan?
  • Far as I know, he's still rustling cattle in Texas.
    Setahuku, dia masih beternak di Texas.
  • Well, I suppose Lady Ashley's droving the cattle herself.
    Ku rasa Lady Ashley menggiring ternaknya sendiri.
  • I'll try and keep Carney's cattle in the yard.
    Akan kucoba menahan ternak Carney di halaman.
  • Because the gods do not want the blood of cattle.
    Karena dewa tidak ingin darah sapi.
  • Will, what is my cattle there? In full bloom, I hope.
    Will, apa ternak aku ada?
  • What--what is it? All hat and no cattle.
    Dia hanya ada topi tapi tidak ada ternak.
  • Stone Chuckers chuck stones. Cattle Rippers rip cattle.
    Stone Chuckers melempar batu, Cattle Rippers membunuh ternak.
  • Stone Chuckers chuck stones. Cattle Rippers rip cattle.
    Stone Chuckers melempar batu, Cattle Rippers membunuh ternak.
  • Are we destined to be cattle for monsters?
    Apakah kita ditakdirkan untuk menjadi ternak bagi monster?
  • It's Stone's new passion, raising cattle.
    Budidaya ternak, gairah baru Stone. Dia sudah memberi nama mereka.
  • Because... herding cattle isn't the only hard work
    Karena... menggembala ternak bukan satu-satunya pekerjaan yang berat
  • They're led here like cattle for you to slaughter.
    Mereka diperlakukan seperti ternak untuk kau bantai.
  • Oh, the infected cattle, the one's we're collecting.
    Sapi yang terinfeksi, yang akan kami bawa. Sapi?
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