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contoh kalimat circuit

"circuit" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • We're going to try the air lock circuits now.
    kami akan mencoba sirkuit pintu udara sekarang.
  • We're receiving flash traffic on the emergency circuit
    Kami menerima lalu lintas flash di sirkuit darurat
  • Circuit breaker caution and warning main B closed.
    Pemutus arus hati-hati dan peringatan B utama ditutup.
  • Once we're in the clear, I'd like to check your circuits.
    Nanti aku akan periksa Sirkuit-mu.
  • "Circuit, you had to select this college, didn't you!"
    Circuit, kau yang pilih universitas ini, bukan?
  • "Circuit, man, I really twisted the dean's knickers today."
    Circuit, si Dekan kubuat jengkel hari ini.
  • So, Billy, what's it like being in the circuit?
    Jadi, Billy, bagaimana rasanya berada di sirkuit?
  • And through these circuits Reyez will have "walls"
    Dan melalui sirkuit ini Reyez akan memiliki "dinding"
  • The blast. It jumbled all the Jaegers' electrical circuits.
    Ledakan itu merusak seluruh sistem listrik Jaeger.
  • My Christmas memory machine has triggered a short circuit!
    Mesin memori Natal telah memicu arus pendek!
  • It's definitely on a different circuit to the station.
    Ini jelas pada sirkuit berbeda ke stasiun.
  • Four with his swords. For me, it's wires, circuits, fuses.
    Bagiku, ini cuma kabel, sirkuit, sekering.
  • Whatever happened there must've knocked his circuits out.
    Apapun yang terjadi di sana pasti merusak sirkuitnya.
  • It uses a cheap cipher circuit operated by Al.
    Saya menggunakan sirkuit murah yang dioperasikan AI.
  • Right because everything with an electronic circuit is fried.
    Benar. Karena semua alat elektronik sudah terbakar.
  • (The command of Ningguo Circuit went to Xu Zhigao.)
    (Komando Sirkuit Ningguo pergi ke Xu Zhigao.)
  • It was held at the Circuit Ricardo Tormo.
    Grand Prix ini dilangsungkan di Sirkuit Ricardo Tormo.
  • He also funded the development of Sentul International Circuit.
    Ia juga mendanai pembangunan Sirkuit Internasional Sentul.
  • The superposition theorem is very important in circuit analysis.
    Terema superposisi amat penting dalam analisis sirkuit.
  • Essentially, the circuit is a diode clamp circuit.
    Pada dasarnya, sirkuit ini adalah sirkuit penggenggam diode.
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