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contoh kalimat clove

"clove" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I thought you said you tied a good clove hitch.
    Kukira kau sudah mengikatnya dengan kuat.
  • Buy a butt load of clove cigarettes, then I don't know.
    Beli rokok kretek yang banyak, lalu entahlah.
  • Looks like your clove hitch was not cloved enough.
    Sepertinya ikatanmu tidak terikat lagi.
  • Exports have suffered from the downturn in the clove market.
    Ekspor telah menderita dengan penurunan di pasar cengkih.
  • Holy water, clove leaf, silver shavings, white oak. The works.
    Air suci, Daun Semanggi, Serutan Perak, Kayu pohon oak.
  • It was a double clove hitch knot.
    Sudah diikat dengan simpul ganda.
  • Clove Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides) – 48 g
    Eranda (Ricinus communis) – root – 96 g
  • Wheat Maize Beans Sesame Clove Grain Seed Cleaner
    Kacang Gandum Benih Jagung Grain Gravity Destoner
  • A garlic clove without skin and minced.
    Cengkeh bawang putih tanpa kulit dan cincang.
  • One clove of garlic without skin and small pieces.
    Satu siung bawang putih tanpa kulit dan potongan kecil.
  • Bergamot I Pepper I Clove I Lavender
    Jasmin sambac I Transparent Peony I Ylang-ylang
  • Bulb, closeup, close-up, clove, color, colorful, colour
    lampu, closeup, Close-up, cengkeh, warna, warna-warni, warna
  • Gudang Garam Clove Cigarette Machine Developing Products
    Gudang Garam mengembangkan produk Sigaret Kretek Mesin
  • Bodrum Clove Seeds – Karanfil – 50gr
    Bodrum Biji Cengkih - Karanfil - 50gr
  • 11 Clove Hall Road, Georgetown, Penang, Malesia - Visualizza mappa
    No. 5 Lorong Lumut, Penang, Malesia - Visualizza mappa
  • Clove, score of 10.
    Clove, dengan nilai 10.
  • And Thresh killed Clove.
    Dan Thresh membunuh Clove.
  • Tobacco and Clove, the Natural Cleaner for Broken Cultural Heritages
    Kayu dan Cengkih, Pembersih Alami Untuk Cagar Budaya yang Rusak
  • Add oregano, thyme, bay leave and clove.
    Masukkan oregano, thyme, daun salam dan cengkih, ke dalam tumisan tadi lalu aduk.
  • Heat some Blue Band Gold Margarine together with the garlic clove in a frying pan.
    Panaskan sedikit margarin dengan bawang putih dalam wajan.
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