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contoh kalimat cohn

"cohn" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "cohn" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • His father, Issak Cohn, was a successful merchant and manufacturer.
    Ayahnya, Issak Cohn, adalah seorang pedagang sukses.
  • McCarthy will self-destruct, Cohn, all of them.
    McCarthy akan merusak diri sendiri, Cohn, semuanya.
  • And Mr. Cohn nods his head at me.
    Dan Mr Cohn mengangguk kepalanya padaku.
  • I did you, I think, no personal injury, Mr. Cohn.
    Aku, aku berpikir, tidak ada pribadi cedera, Mr Cohn.
  • Marya Cohn is an American screenwriter and director.
    Marya Cohn adalah seorang penulis naskah dan sutradara asal Amerika Serikat.
  • Bachelor night Nude scenes, Heather Paige Cohn, Megan Albertus
    Pengalaman malam adegan Telanjang, Heather Paige Cohn, Megan Albertus
  • Listening To Levon Live Marc Cohn Mp3
    Free 187 Tour Kokain Live Poopie mp3
  • People's Park, 78' - (Libbie D. Cohn, J. P. Sniadecki)
    Yumen, 65' - (J.P. Sniadecki, Xu Ruotao, Huang Xiang)
  • I would have killed to bang my eighth grade biology teacher, Mrs. Cohn.
    Aku harus segera bercinta dengan guru biology kelas delapan, Nyonya. cohn.
  • Cohn was born to a working-class Jewish family in New York City.
    Cohn lahir dari sebuah keluarga Yahudi kelas pekerja di New York City.
  • Former White House economic advisor Gary Cohn joins blockchain start-up
    Mantan penasihat ekonomi Gedung Putih Gary Cohn bergabung dengan start-up blockchain
  • Former Nickelodeon senior executive Margie Cohn became Head of Television for the group.
    Mantan eksekutif senior Nickelodeon Margie Cohn menjadi Kepala Televisi untuk grup tersebut.
  • The Chair will rule that the comment of Mr. Cohn be stricken from the record.
    Ketua akan memerintah bahwa komentar dari Mr Cohn Akan dicoret dari catatan.
  • It was established in 1948 by editor Robert Greer Cohn, and is currently edited by Alyson Waters.
    Jurnal tersebut didirikan pada 1948 oleh penyunting Robert Greer Cohn, dan sekarang disunting oleh Alyson Waters.
  • The Army's charging that McCarthy and Cohn exercised undue pressure to get preferential treatment for Schine.
    Angkatan Darat pengisian yang McCarthy dan Cohn dieksekusi tekanan yang tidak semestinya Untuk mendapatkan perlakuan istimewa untuk Schine.
  • Ferdinand J. Cohn was born in the Jewish quarter of Breslau in the Prussian Province of Silesia (which is now Wroclaw, Poland).
    Ferdinand J. Cohn lahir di Breslau, Provinsi Silesia, Prusia (sekarang Wroclaw, Polandia).
  • He has created some of the great characters in the movies—from Michael Corleone to Tony Montana to Roy Cohn.
    Ia membuat beberapa karakter hebat di film — dari Michael Corleone hingga Tony Montana sampai Roy Cohn.
  • What would eventually become Columbia Pictures, CBC Film Sales Corporation, was founded on June 19, 1918 by Harry Cohn, his brother Jack Cohn, and Joe Brandt.
    CBC Film Sales didirikan pada tahun 1919 oleh Harry Cohn, Jack Cohn dan Joe Brandt.
  • What would eventually become Columbia Pictures, CBC Film Sales Corporation, was founded on June 19, 1918 by Harry Cohn, his brother Jack Cohn, and Joe Brandt.
    CBC Film Sales didirikan pada tahun 1919 oleh Harry Cohn, Jack Cohn dan Joe Brandt.
  • Cohn was born in Freeport, Illinois but subsequently moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he began work as a newspaper editor and journalist.
    Cohn lahir di Freeport, Illinois namun kemudian berpindah ke Cleveland, Ohio dimana ia mulai bekerja sebagai penyunting surat kabar dan jurnalis.
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