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contoh kalimat cole

"cole" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • But I want to keep the sponsor and Cole.
    Tapi aku ingin menjaga sponsor dan Cole.
  • Is Cole behind what's happening now?
    Apa Cole berada di balik apa yang sedang terjadi sekarang?
  • Uh, Cole, this building was a legal courthouse.
    Uh, Cole, sekolah ini dulunya adalah bangunan pengadilan.
  • What were your rates for cropdusting, Mr. Cole?
    Berapa gajimu untuk menyiram dengan ini, Tn. Cole?
  • We should be taking advice from you, Miss Cole.
    Kami harusnya mendapat saran darimu, Nona Cole.
  • It's not a problem, but this is Allegra Cole.
    Itu bukan masalah, tapi ini Allegra Cole.
  • Elliot Cole has a reputation as a micromanager, right?
    Elliot Cole memiliki reputasi sebagai micromanager, kan?
  • I make Cole for a narcissist,not a sociopath.
    Saya membuat Cole untuk narsisis , bukan sosiopat.
  • Cole Pfeiffer wouldn't do this. Cole Pfeiffer ain't here no more.
    Cole Pfeiffer Tidak disini lagi.
  • Cole Pfeiffer wouldn't do this. Cole Pfeiffer ain't here no more.
    Cole Pfeiffer Tidak disini lagi.
  • Cole Pfeiffer was a recent addition to the Los Angeles Department--
    Cole Pfeiffer adalah karyawan baru
  • You find Max Tyrus, you're gonna find Cole.
    Anda menemukan Max Tirus, kau akan menemukan Cole.
  • Sheriff Cole, we have a situation at the motel.
    Sheriff Cole, kita ada kejadian di motel.
  • And Griffin Cole poisoned one of our assets.
    Dan Griffin Cole diracuni salah satu aset kami.
  • Cole has a brother five miles from here.
    Cole memiliki saudara lima mil dari sini .
  • But she's not guilty in murdering Jennifer Cole.
    Tapi dia tidak bersalah untuk pembunuhan Jennifer Cole.
  • Can you point out Abee Cole at this time?
    Bisakah kau menunjukkan Abee Cole saat ini?
  • I commend the soul of Dawson Cole to God.
    Aku menitipkan jiwa Dawson Cole kepada Tuhan.
  • Well, Cole should leave town, but he won't.
    Yah, Cole harus kabur, tapi dia tidak mau.
  • I thought Cole would've picked them up himself.
    Aku pikir Cole sendiri yang akan menjemput mereka.
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