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contoh kalimat college

"college" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Two years ago, she graduated from Connecticut College.
    Dua tahun lalu, dia lulus dari Connecticut College.
  • Don't you love that kind of thing from college?
    Tidakkah Anda suka hal-hal begitu di universitas.
  • They say, "You're not going to finish college.
    Mereka bilang, "Kamu tidak akan bisa menyelesaikan kuliah.
  • Then I used, tried to use the medical college girls.
    Lalu saya mencoba mencari mahasiswi kedokteran.
  • The application that we built is for college campuses.
    Aplikasi yang kami buat adalah untuk universitas.
  • Yeah, old "Joe College" Wainwright they call me.
    Ya, lama "Joe College" Wainwright mereka memanggil saya.
  • Spires, move to the junction of Whittier and College.
    Spires, pindah ke persimpangan Whittier dan College.
  • I didn't know you were thinking about going to college.
    Aku tidak tahu kau ingin kuliah.
  • An eight-week college for the phony-tough and the crazy-brave.
    Latihan selama delapan bulan untuk siap bertempur.
  • Right, I took opera when I was in college.
    Benar, Aku belajar opera ketika aku kuliah.
  • You had kept it with me during the college days.
    kau menitipkan padaku selama masa kuliah.
  • One victim, college girl, killed in her dorm room.
    Seorang korban, mahasiswi, terbunuh dalam kamar asramanya.
  • Both his parents died when he was in college.
    Kedua orang tuanya meninggal waktu Jack kuliah.
  • So, do you like your job at the college, Roland?
    Kau suka bekerja di kampus, Roland?
  • Am I proud of you. Mister big time, college grad, huh?
    gue sangat bangga padamu, mr.
  • He used to be my, uh- my roommate in college.
    Dulu dia... teman sekamarku waktu kuliah.
  • Come on. You're playing an angle here, college boy
    Ayolah, kau memainkan sesuatu di sini, kan?
  • Can you go to college with that?
    Dapatkah Anda pergi ke perguruan tinggi dengan itu ?
  • Urgh, trying to send you to college
    Urgh , mencoba untuk mengirim Anda ke perguruan tinggi
  • These are college students, Mensa members, dropouts
    Ini adalah mahasiswa , anggota Mensa , putus sekolah
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