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contoh kalimat come

"come" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • And that was the mission that we came up with.
    Itulah misi yang kami coba wujudkan.
  • And so, this makes this coming century a challenge.
    Sehingga membuat abad mendatang adalah sebuah tantangan.
  • Is he looking for where the sound came from?
    Apakah dia mencari dari mana asal suaranya?
  • That's as close as I can come to summing that up.
    Itulah yang bisa saya simpulkan.
  • Now, let's come to happiness or well-being.
    (Suara tawa) Mari kita bicara tentang kebahagiaan atau kenyamanan.
  • And that can also come from some kind of confusions.
    Ini bisa juga berasal dari kerancuan.
  • Technically, the RIAA could come and prosecute you.
    Secara teknis RIAA dapat datang dan menuntut Anda.
  • And the old lady said, "Oh yes, come on in."
    Dan nyonya tua berkata, "Ya, masuklah."
  • She came. She's a nurse in San Francisco.
    Dia datang. Dia seorang perawat di San Francisco.
  • What is morality and where does it come from?
    Apa itu moralitas dan dari mana asalnya?
  • It's coming from places that you wouldn't expect.
    Ia datang dari tempat yang tidak kau perkirakan.
  • And what came up was a number of pieces of data.
    Lalu muncul sejumlah potongan-potongan data.
  • Here we come. And that was the influenza.
    Mari kita lihat. Dan di sini adalah influenza.
  • They have a very high level. It's coming down.
    Mereka punya tingkat yang tinggi. Lalu turun.
  • There is wonderful inspiration coming from the area itself.
    Inspirasi indah datang dari kawasan itu sendiri.
  • And they're coming into the city by rail.
    Dan mereka datang ke kota naik kereta api.
  • And yet they come from completely different sources.
    Tapi sesungguhnya mereka berasal dari sumber yang berbeda.
  • In Tel Aviv they come to my concerts."
    Di Tel Aviv mereka pergi ke konser saya."
  • Urbanization, integration, coming together, leads to a new renaissance.
    Urbanisasi, integrasi, bersama-sama, menuju kepada pembangunan baru.
  • And this guy has to come to the net.
    Dan orang ini harus menuju ke net.
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