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contoh kalimat computer

"computer" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • We borrowed it. Video conferencing. The personal computer itself.
    Kita meminjamnya. Konferensi dengan video. Komputer pribadi.
  • It's so simple that a computer could do it.
    Sangat sederhana hingga sebuah komputer mampu melakukannya.
  • Here's Clive Sinclair now launching his color computer.
    Ini Clive Sinclair yang sedang meluncurkan komputer warnanya.
  • More abstract. These are your engineers, your computer programmers.
    Lebih abstrak. Ini para insinyur, programer komputer.
  • The president of the computer mouse company doesn't know.
    Presiden dari perusahaan mouse komputer tidak tahu.
  • Perhaps you have a computer scientist who's a genius.
    Mungkin saja ada ilmuwan komputer yang genius.
  • This is the first version of my computer voice.
    Ini adalah versi pertama suara komputer saya.
  • And they'll actually pay you money for those computers.
    Dan mereka sungguh-sungguh akan membayar dengan uang.
  • It's amazing. The mainframe computer was invented in 1942.
    Ini menakjubkan. Komputer mainframe ditemukan pada 1942.
  • By the computer, that's where I saw your keys.
    Hmm? Sebelah komputer... Aku melihat kuncimu disana.
  • No 9000 computer has ever been disconnected.
    Tak pernah ada komputer seri 9000 yang pernah diputus.
  • Computer, destruct sequence one, code one, one, A.
    Komputer, merusak urutan satu, Kode satu, satu, A.
  • He's contacted what his computer calls magma displacement.
    Dia dihubungi apa itu komputer panggilan perpindahan magma.
  • They've already accessed police computers and nowjudicial records.
    Mereka sudah diakses polisi komputer dan catatan nowjudicial.
  • It's a learning machine... a computer that actually thinks.
    Mesin yang bisa belajar--- komputer bisa berpikir.
  • Procedures, I need another computer up in the R.T.C.C.
    Prosedur, aku perlu lain komputer di R.T.C.C.
  • Jim, we're going to need that computer reentry program.
    Jim, kita akan membutuhkan program re-entry komputer.
  • He didn't have time to erase his computer files.
    Dia tidak sempat menghapus berkas-berkas di komputernya.
  • I should've asked the computer for no interruptions.
    Seharusnya aku minta komputer jangan sampai ada gangguan.
  • For many years, I've been refining a translating computer.
    Selama bertahun-tahun, saya telah mengerjakan komputer penerjemah.
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