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contoh kalimat cossack

"cossack" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "cossack" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • He tried to poison me, the dirty Cossack.
    Dia berusaha meracuniku, si Cossack yang kotor itu.
  • They wore white trench coats and cossack hats.
    Mereka memakai trench coat putih dan topi cossack.
  • In honor of Don Cossack Army 300th Anniversary.
    Penghormatan atas Ulang Tahun ke-300 Tentara Don Cossack.
  • To Russia, to Russia, he heard the Cossack call."
    Ke Rusia, ke Rusia, ia mendengar panggilan Cossack."
  • That some foreign mercenary Beheaded the brave Cossack Petrus.
    ke beranian Cossack Petrus sebagai prajurit telah dipenggal.
  • Who was the Russian contact for Operation Cossack?
    Siapa kontak Rusia untuk Operasi Cossack?
  • You remember what Operation Cossack was about?
    Anda ingat apa Operasi Cossack adalah tentang?
  • With Cossack reinforcements, he marched on Moscow.
    Dia bersekutu dengan Cossack untuk membebaskan Ukraina dan maju ke Moskow.
  • Yo, we got an ASAP in Cossack.
    Yo, kita punya secepatnya di Cossack.
  • The actions of Yermak also redefined the meaning of the word Cossack.
    Aksi Yermak juga mendefinisikan kembali kata Cossack.
  • He was on foot, wounded, with a full Cossack posse up his ass.
    Dia berjalan kaki, terluka Dan dikejar polisi.
  • A real Cossack doesn't fear anything.
    Cossack yang sebenarnya tidak takut apapun.
  • I am a Cossack, old man.
    Saya seorang pria, Cossack tua.
  • Anti-Semite, slippery Cossack sluts.
    Anjing keparat Anti - Semit itu.
  • Very industrious for a Cossack.
    Sangat industrialis buat seorang komunis.
  • You're a dirty little Cossack.
    Kau Cossack yg sedikit kotor.
  • These other companies like this cockfuckers Cossack trying to steal our clients.
    Perusahaan-perusahaan lain seperti Cossack keparat ini mencoba mencuri klien kita.
  • However, these descriptions may be attributable to the stereotypical characteristics of a Cossack.
    Namun, penjelasan tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh stereotip karakteristik Cossack.
  • In 1582 the troops of Cossack ataman Yermak seized and ruined Qashliq.
    Pada tahun 1582, Cossack ataman Yermak menguasai dan menghancurkan Qashliq.
  • The file named Cossack, Dom.
    File bernama Cossack, Dom.
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