contoh kalimat dartmoor
- She's the reason I came back to Dartmoor.
Dialah alasan kenapa Aku kembali ke Dartmoor. - I don't need those any more, I'm going to Dartmoor.
Aku tidak membutuhkannya lagi, Aku akan ke Dartmoor. - Do you know Dartmoor, Mr Holmes?
Apakah kau tahu Dartmoor, Mr Holmes? - Martin's parents' manor house in Dartmoor was then used to practice in.
Rumah orang tua Martin yang berlokasi di tanah bangsawan Dartmoor kemudian digunakan sebagai tempat untuk berlatih. - The first film released through First National was the 1916 British film, The Mother of Dartmoor.
Film pertama yang dirilis melalui First National adalah film Inggris tahun 1916 berjudul The Mother of Dartmoor. - At prestigious private school Dartmoor Academy, Principal Morgan Brinway is forcing the second-graders to study opera appreciation.
Cerita film ini berlangsung di sebuah sekolah swasta bergengsi, Dartmoor Academy, di mana kepala sekolahnya, Morgan Brinway (BD Wong), memaksa anak kelas duanya untuk belajar opera. - Dartmoor is managed by the Dartmoor National Park Authority, whose 22 members are drawn from Devon County Council, local district councils and Government.
Dartmoor dikelola oleh Otoritas Taman Nasional Dartmoor yang terdiri dari 22 anggota Dewan Kota Devon, yaitu dewan distrik dari pemerintah lokal setempat. - Dartmoor is managed by the Dartmoor National Park Authority, whose 22 members are drawn from Devon County Council, local district councils and Government.
Dartmoor dikelola oleh Otoritas Taman Nasional Dartmoor yang terdiri dari 22 anggota Dewan Kota Devon, yaitu dewan distrik dari pemerintah lokal setempat. - The majority of the estate lies elsewhere, with half being on Dartmoor in Devon, with other large holdings in Cornwall, Herefordshire, Somerset and almost all of the Isles of Scilly.
Hampir setengah wilayah mereka berada di Devon, dsementara wilayah lainnya berada di Cornwall, Herefordshire, Somerset dan hampir seluruh Kepulauan Scilly. - Dartmoor is also home to one the government's most secret of operations, the chemical and biological weapons research centre, which is said to be even more sensitive than Porton Down.
Dartmoor juga salah satu tempat pemerintah melakukan operasi sangat rahasia, pusat penelitian, senjata kimia dan biologi yang dikatakan bahkan lebih sensitif dibandingkan Porton Down. - There is a large deposit of tungsten ore on the edge of Dartmoor in the United Kingdom, which was exploited during World War I and World War II as the Hemerdon Mine.
Terdapat deposit besar bijih wolfram di pinggiran Dartmoor di Britania Raya, yang dieksploitasi selama Perang Dunia I dan II sebagai Tambang Hemerdon. - The myth of the Wild Hunt has through the ages been modified to accommodate other gods and folk heroes, among them King Arthur and, more recently, in a Dartmoor folk legend, Sir Francis Drake.
Seiring waktu, mitos Wild Hunt telah dimodifikasi untuk menampung lain dewa-dewa dan pahlawan rakyat, di antaranya Raja Arthur, dan baru-baru ini, di dalam legenda rakyat Dartmoor, Sir Francis Drake. - Purpose built prisoner-of-war camps appeared at Norman Cross in England in 1797 and HM Prison Dartmoor, both constructed during the Napoleonic Wars, and they have been in use in all the main conflicts of the last 200 years.
Keperluan pembangunan kamp tahanan perang muncul di Perlintasan Norman, Inggris pada 1797 dan HM Prison Dartmoor, keduanya dibangun pada masa Perang era Napoleon, dan tempat-tempat tersebut dipakai dalam seluruh konflik utama dari 200 tahun terakhir. - The Hound of the Baskervilles - This is the third of four crime novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. The story takes place largely on Dartmoor in Devon in England's West Country and tells the...
The Hound of the Baskervilles - Ini adalah ketiga dari empat novel kejahatan oleh Sir Arthur Conan Doyle yang menampilkan detektif Sherlock Holmes. Cerita ini terjadi sebagian besar pada Dartmoor di Devon di Inggris West Country dan...