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contoh kalimat dartmouth

"dartmouth" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Evan told me you didn't get into Dartmouth.
    Evan katakan padaku kau tidak akan masuk Dartmouth.
  • How the fuck am I supposed to get into Dartmouth?
    Bagaimana aku bisa masuk ke Dartmouth?
  • I went to Dartmouth, same time as you
    Aku kuliah di Dartmouth, tahun yang sama denganmu
  • I knew Shelley, your roommate at Dartmouth.
    Aku kenal dengan Shelley, teman sekamarmu di Dartmouth.
  • I have a brain. I'm going to Dartmouth.
    Aku punya otak, aku diterima di Dartmouth.
  • By the way, I put him through dartmouth.
    Ngomong-ngomong, aku menempatkan dia dia Dartmouth.
  • How'd he get into Dartmouth? I don't get it.
    Bagaimana dia bisa masuk Dartmouth?
  • And you said you went to Dartmouth?
    Dan kau bilang kau kuliah di Dartmouth?
  • You never told me you rowed crew for Dartmouth.
    Kamu tak pernah bilang kamu kru dayung untuk Dartmouth.
  • Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, Dartmouth, MIT, brown.
    Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, Dartmouth, MIT, brown.
  • Let's get HRT to U Mass Dartmouth.
    Minta HRT ke U Mass Dartmouth.
  • Young went to Dartmouth College and graduated in 1930.
    Ia kuliah di Dartmouth College dan lulus pada tahun 1930.
  • At Dartmouth, I was friends with Shelley.
    Di Dartmouth, aku temannya Shelley.
  • Boston Angels Adoption on Dartmouth. (Henry fussing)
    Boston Angels Adoption di Dartmouth.
  • I thought you Dartmouth guys would be smart enough to understand that.
    Aku kira kalian orang2 Dartmouth seharusnya bisa lebih pintar.
  • And you got into fucking Dartmouth.
    Dan kau masuk ke Dartmouth.
  • I studied classicsNat Dartmouth.
    Aku belajar sastra klasik di Dartmouth.
  • "Katie Dartmouth has been reported missing..."
    Setiap sarana pelacakan nya?
  • Cherilyn My cousin works in Dartmouth. In a nightclub.
    Sepupuku Cherryl adalah milikmu, tapi aku harus mengatakan padamu kalau dia bekerja di
  • The Encyclopedia was the winner of the 1991 American Library Association’s Dartmouth Medal.
    Ensiklopedia ini memenangkan Medali Asosiasi Perpustakaan Amerika Dartmouth 1990.
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