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contoh kalimat dipoles

"dipoles" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Stainless steel blade, acid etched and hand polished.
    Stainless pisau baja, asam terukir dan tangan dipoles.
  • My action style is more polished than flashy.
    Gaya aksi saya lebih banyak dipoles daripada mencolok.
  • When my shoes were being polished, I gave you more.
    Ketika sepatu saya dipoles lagi.
  • Is that man covered by gold, siver?
    Apa tubuh pria itu dipoles dengan emas perak?
  • Her work isn't polished, but she has talent.
    Karyanya tidak dipoles, tapi ia memiliki bakat.
  • I think he needs a new coat of poly, man.
    Aku rasa, dia harus dipoles ulang, kawan.
  • I was just thinking we could go for, like, a tune-up.
    Aku membayangkan kita bisa sedikit dipoles.
  • I'm tied up and basted like a Thanksgiving turkey.
    Aku diikat dan dipoles seperti ayam kalkun Thanksgiving.
  • This is a saville row 100% polished egyptian cotton,
    Ini adalah katun Mesir Saville baris 100% dipoles,
  • And diamonds must be polished to shine.
    Dan berlian harus dipoles untuk bersinar .
  • ..but you never polished his shoes.
    .. tapi Anda tidak pernah dipoles sepatunya .
  • It was a piece of iron polished to a shine.
    Itu hanya lempengan besi yang dipoles agar bersinar.
  • I want my nails buffed and polished.
    Saya ingin kuku digosok dan dipoles.
  • How many kings' arses have polished it, I wonder?
    Berapa banyak keledai raja ' telah dipoles itu, aku bertanya-tanya?
  • It's weird seeing them all so perfect and polished up.
    (Claire) Aneh untuk melihat mereka semua sempurna dan dipoles.
  • Frank took it to get it polished.
    Frank membawanya untuk mendapatkannya dipoles.
  • This is Ripley, Our polished dandy.
    Ini adalah Ripley, Kami dipoles pesolek.
  • Bro, these palms need some greasing
    "Teman, telapak tangan ini perlu dipoles."
  • Look at how well it is polished.
    Lihatlah seberapa baik dipoles.
  • They're in captivity. What I do is just sort of scrape off the crustaceans.
    Mereka harus dipoles atau kulitnya bisa rusak.
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