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contoh kalimat direkam

"direkam" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I have to inform you this session's being taped.
    Saya ingatkan lagi bahwa percakapan ini direkam
  • This was recorded from the aircraft shortlyafterthebombing.
    Ini direkam dari pesawat tak lama setelah terjadi pengeboman.
  • Every keystroke Megan hit, Soneji was recording it.
    Setiap tombol yang Megan tekan direkam oleh Soneji.
  • I tell you not to film something, don't film it.
    Aku bilang jangan merekam, jangan direkam.
  • He would never allow his music to be recorded.
    Dia tak pernah mengijinkan musiknya untuk direkam.
  • How did you know that we were being recorded?
    Bagaimana kamu tahu bahwa kita sedang direkam?
  • Everything's filed or recorded or blogged, right?
    Segalanya disimpan atau direkam Atau dibuat blog, kan ?
  • I want that on record before we start.
    Aku ingin ucapan itu direkam sebelum kita mulai.
  • All I have to do is get her on camera.
    Apa yang kulakukan harus direkam kamera.
  • The original video was filmed on Nick's phone, right?
    Video asli Nick direkam dengan ponselnya, bukan?
  • The song was most notably recorded by June Tabor.
    Lagu ini tercatat direkam oleh June Tabor.
  • The Tarriers version was later recorded by Shirley Bassey.
    Versi laris lain direkam oleh Shirley Bassey.
  • And he knows what he is writing about."
    Itu adalah bagaimana hal yang kami suka direkam".
  • This is the first time it has ever been recorded.
    Inilah untuk pertama kalinya hal ini direkam.
  • Can I use the audio tape you recorded?
    Dpt aku gunakn rekaman audio kau yg direkam? .
  • I haven't heard what you've recorded.
    Aku belum pernah mendengar apa yang telah Anda direkam.
  • Transmissions are only visible after they've been recorded.
    Transmisi hanya terlihat jika direkam terlebih dahulu.
  • The film was shot with a Panasonic HDX-900-and a HVX-200.
    Film ini direkam dengan Panasonic HDX-900-dan HVX-200.
  • You know, dad's song is also recorded in it.
    Kau tahu, lagu ayah juga direkam di dalamnya.
  • Hit the trunk if your mouth was taped.
    Memukul bagasi jika mulut Anda telah direkam.
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