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contoh kalimat egg

"egg" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Chicken stock, egg yolks and lemon juice.
    Itu sup. Kaldu ayam, kuning telur, dan jus lemon.
  • Have an egg roll.
    Kami memiliki segalanya di sini Dari jarum untuk Fuck kalau aku èega.
  • Egg and the others are headed to Mt. Moon.
    Egg dan lain menuju ke gunung bulan.
  • Why don't you eat our own egg tarts?
    Mengapa kau tidak makan telur kita sendiri tarts?
  • Prince Egg Tarts the girl you wooed are bad
    Pangeran Egg Tarts gadis yang dirayu buruk
  • We even give him a nickname Prince Egg Tarts
    Kami bahkan memberinya julukan Pangeran Egg Tarts
  • Let me treat you with an egg tart
    Mari saya memperlakukan Anda dengan kue tart telur
  • Fanny, this is my buddy Prince Egg Tarts
    Fanny, ini adalah teman saya Pangeran Egg Tarts
  • Prince Egg Tarts is just his nickname you know
    Pangeran Egg Tarts hanya julukannya Anda tahu
  • Besides, the poor kid can't even cook an egg.
    Dan ia bahkan tidak bisa menggoreng telur.
  • What is the difference between a comb and an egg?
    Apa perbedaan antara sisir dan tolol?
  • Pork chop, beef steak, chicken wing, sausage, egg.
    Babi cincang, stik sapi, sayap ayam, sosis, telur.
  • Steamed rice with tomato and egg, $25.5, please.
    Nasi rebus pakai tomat dan telur, $25.5, tolong.
  • Steamed rice with tomato and egg, $25.5 please.
    Nasi rebus pakai tomat dan telur, $25.5 tolong.
  • No.1 also ordered rice with tomato and egg.
    No.1 juga memesan nasi pakai tomat dan telur.
  • It looks like federal housing. Concrete, glass, egg crates.
    Sepertinya perumahan federal Beton, kaca, rak telur..
  • I've got an egg vibrating between my legs!
    Aku punya telur bergetar antara kedua kaki saya!
  • She uses a fork and she double-dips her egg rolls.
    Dia memakai garpu untuk makan telur.
  • I've just named head egg, I heard you!
    Saya baru saja bernama kepala telur, kudengar kau!
  • The White House Easter Egg Roll is next Monday.
    Permainan Telur Paskah Gedung Putih Senin depan.
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