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contoh kalimat eichmann

"eichmann" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "eichmann" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • But one day her Eichmann arrest then killed her.
    Tapi suatu hari Eichmann menangkapnya, lalu membunuhnya.
  • I've come to tell you that Eichmann has left.
    Aku datang utk memberitahu bahwa Eichmann sdh pergi.
  • I asked Eichmann in their palace tonight.
    Aku minta Eichmann di puri mereka malam ini.
  • Maybe you should ask Eichmann, when the arrive.
    Mungkin Anda bisa bertanya pd Eichmann, saat dia tiba.
  • Eichmann woke me up to my said about the Aryan couple.
    Eichmann membangunkan saya ttg pasangan Aryan.
  • The real Adolf Eichmann is asked to come forward.
    Adolf Eichmann yg asli diminta utk tampil ke depan.
  • Col. Eichmann will prepare a discrete transcript of this meeting.
    Kolonel Eichmann akan mempersiapkan naskah dari pertemuan ini.
  • Col. Eichmann carefully edited the stenographic record of the conference.
    Kolonel Eichmann dengan hati-hati mengedit catatan steno konferensi.
  • I will contact you with obershturmbanfyurer Eichmann, please?
    Tolong hubungkan Saya dgn obershturmbanfyurer Eichmann.
  • Raoul, they say that Eichmann has left.
    Raoul, mereka bilang, Eichmann sdh pergi.
  • Where can I find Col. Eichmann?
    Di mana aku bisa bertemu Kolonel Eichmann?
  • Becker, Eichmann arrest you Krauzenberg whole family?
    Becker, Eichmann menangkap seluruh keluarga Krauzenberg?
  • I hope that Eichmann will not reveal.
    Saya berharap Eichmann tidak akan tahu.
  • The one who cares for Both Jews fleeing Eichmann.
    Orang yg peduli dgn kaburnya dua orang Yahudi dari Eichmann.
  • Information which received came directly from the office of obershturmbanfyurer Eichmann
    Informasi ini diterima langsung dari kantor obershturmbanfyurer Eichmann
  • Yes, it had to be met with Eichmann.
    Ya, bertemu dgn Eichmann.
  • Not even Eichmann can beat Raoul.
    Eichmannpun tdk bisa mengalahkan Raoul.
  • If Eichmann really left Hungary, then the house is empty, right?
    Jika Eichmann benar2 meninggalkan Hungaria, maka rumah itu kosong, kan?
  • Adolf Eichmann, SS Gestapo, Office of Jewish Affairs, and that should be
    Adolf Eichmann, Gestapo SS, Kantor Urusan Yahudi, dan itu
  • Yes, this is Lt. Col. Eichmann.
    Ya, ini adalah Kolonel Eichmann.
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