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contoh kalimat elastic

"elastic" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • In an ideal gas, these collisions are perfectly elastic.
    Pada gas ideal, tumbukan ini sangat elastis.
  • The face is still elastic after a century
    Wajahnya masih elastis meski sudah satu abad.
  • Are you wearing the elastic I asked you to wear?
    Apa kau memakai karet yang kusuruh pakai?
  • These jeans are elastic on the top.
    Jins ini adalah elastis di bagian atas.
  • My father never held cards with elastic.
    Ayahku tidak pernah dipegang kartu dengan elastis.
  • The elastic film is too thick, a command to keep the cell to relax.
    Mungkin kunci ta mebering
  • Let`s just see how elastic you are.
    Mari kita lihat bagaimana elastis Anda.
  • What are they made of, some kind of elastic biopolymer adhesive?
    Dibuat dari apa ini, semacam biopolimer perekat elastis?
  • The elastic is strong and long-lasting"
    Yang elastis lebih kuat dan tahan lama.
  • It is often referred to simply as the elastic modulus.
    Hal ini sering disebut hanya sebagai modulus elastisitas saja.
  • This region of deformation is known as the linearly elastic region.
    Daerah deformasi ini dikenal sebagai daerah elastis linear.
  • I'm just a big fan of, you know-- elastic. I think it's awesome.
    Aku penggemar berat,..elastis. Kurasa ini luar biasa.
  • With this, will our skin become more elastic?
    Dia tidak pergi kerja hari ini, tapi hanya melakukan bisnis melalui telepon?
  • You're lucky my waistband's not elastic.
    Kau beruntung, pinggang celanaku bukan karet.
  • Elastic nanotubes, ultrasonic motors, piezoceramic elements.
    Nanotube elastis, motor ultrasonik, Elemen piezoceramic.
  • He was called "La maravilla elástica" ("The elastic wonder") due to his agility.
    Dia dipanggil "La maravilla elastica" ("keajaiban elastis").
  • I don't know. Maybe we can hot glue an elastic band on.
    Mungkin kita bisa memasang ikat pinggang elastis dengan lem.
  • And check the elastic on all the pants. Mm. Don't let the give you stretched out garbage.
    Orientasi 10 menit lagi.
  • The aorta is an elastic artery, and as such is quite distensible.
    Aorta adalah arteri elastis, oleh karenanya maka dapat mengembang.
  • The dish is ready when it develops a smooth, elastic texture.
    Hidangan ini siap apabila telah menunjukkan tekstur yang halus dan elastik.
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