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contoh kalimat executive

"executive" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Nancy, the executive plane is landing here now.
    Nancy , pesawat eksekutif mendarat di sini sekarang.
  • You know, I see executive potential here.
    Kau tahu, gue melihat eksekutif potensi di sini .
  • I'm Ms. Kegel, executive assistant to Mr. Mars.
    Saya Ny. Kegel, Asisten eksekutif nya Tuan Mars
  • Senator Amidala will not refuse an executive order.
    Senator Amidala tak akan menolak perintah pejabat tertinggi.
  • But you're a criminal, Willy, not an executive.
    Tapi kau seorang penjahat, Willy, tidak seorang eksekutif.
  • Executive producers JEONG Tae-sung Associate producer MA Sang-jun
    Executive producers JEONG Tae-sung Associate producer MA Sang-jun
  • Executive Producer KIM In-soo Associate Producer KIM Joo-sung
    Executive Producer KIM In-soo Associate Producer KIM Joo-sung
  • Yes, you see, it is missing 50 executive homes.
    Ya, Kamu lihat, tidak ada rumah eksekutif.
  • Lives in Sellwood, works for Burnside Executive Charter.
    Tinggal di Sellwood, Bekerja Piagam Burnside untuk Eksekutif.
  • I need to initiate an executive office override.
    Saya perlu untuk memulai kantor eksekutif menimpa .
  • I need to speak with your executive director immediately.
    Aku perlu bicara dengan Direktur Eksekutif-mu segera.
  • Executive, I think this is a good idea
    Eksekutif, saya pikir ini adalah ide yang baik
  • I'll have your turfs seized at the next executive meeting.
    Kalian akan "Kupecat" dalam Pertemuan Nanti.
  • They're in the state that I am the executive of.
    Daerah yang aku pimpin saat ini.
  • Suez executives visited the public water company's buildings.
    Eksekutif dari Suez mengunjungi bangunan air perusahaan masyarakat.
  • An instinct worth sharing with your executive officer.
    Naluri layak untuk diinformasikan dengan pejabat eksekutif Anda.
  • And how many female executives work alongside you?
    Dan berapa banyak eksekutif wanita bekerja bersama Anda?
  • It helps executives with their speaking skills.
    Perusahaan itu membantu para eksekutif dengan keterampilan bicara mereka.
  • Tara was one of our top young executives.
    Tara merupakan salah satu eksekutif muda teratas kami.
  • A judge here, a politician there, a couple of executives.
    Hakim disini, politisi disana, sepasang eksekutif.
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