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contoh kalimat film

"film" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "film" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You can add a third dimensionality to the film.
    Anda dapat menambahkan dimensi ketiga pada film.
  • And the film "Jurassic Park" actually really helped us.
    Film "Jurassic Park" sebenarnya sangat membantu kami.
  • We'll make a new film about this process.
    Kami akan membuat film baru tentang proses ini.
  • It's a film that you can look through.
    Ini adalah film di mana Anda dapat melihat.
  • "Mars et Avril" is a science fiction film.
    "Mars et Avril" adalah sebuah film fiksi ilmiah.
  • Do you like horror films or romance films?
    Apakah Anda suka film horor atau film romantis?
  • Do you like horror films or romance films?
    Apakah Anda suka film horor atau film romantis?
  • You film road signs, you film watches, you film newspapers.
    Anda merekam marka jalan, jam, koran.
  • You film road signs, you film watches, you film newspapers.
    Anda merekam marka jalan, jam, koran.
  • You film road signs, you film watches, you film newspapers.
    Anda merekam marka jalan, jam, koran.
  • The films of the honeymoon have arrived at last.
    Film-film dari bulan madu kita sudah tiba.
  • That's the only film we have on him.
    Itu hanya rekaman yang kami punya mengenai dia.
  • We got our hands on a demonstration film of Oharra.
    Kami memiliki film dokumentasi mengenai Oharra.
  • How can we film a music video in this country?
    Bagaimana jika kita shooting video klip?
  • Yeah, the one that plays the detective in the film.
    Serius, yang bermain detektif dalam film.
  • I did a lot of film work for Potter.
    Aku melakukan banyak pekerjaan film untuk Potter.
  • Can be done to make a film star to singer
    Kamu bisa menjadi aktor atau penyanyi.
  • I clutched the roll of film in my pocket.
    L mencengkeram gulungan film di saku saya.
  • Let them film my daughter's hospital room.
    Agar mereka bisa merekam keadaan putriku di rumah sakit.
  • Now, this guy was really into filming this shit.
    Sekarang, orang ini benar2 menfilmkan sialan ini.
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