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contoh kalimat fire

"fire" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I could, quite literally, fire myself into the gallery.
    Saya dapat melontarkan diri menuju galeri itu.
  • That's the piston that was fired out of the floor.
    Itulah piston yang ditembakkan dari lantai.
  • But it's not about fire and brimstone either.
    Namun ini juga bukan tentang api dan belerang.
  • It's probably not good for the fire hydrants.
    Mungkin juga tidak baik bagi pipa air kebakarannya.
  • He'd stuck a revolver into his mouth and fired.
    Dia terjebak pistol ke mulutnya Dan menembak.
  • I'll stay here and draw Hook's fire.
    Aku akan tetap di sini dan memancing perhatian Hook.
  • A jewel has brilliant fire, but gives no warmth.
    Permata memang terang, tapi tak memberi kehangatan.
  • No need to make the Zulus a present of fire.
    Tidak perlu membuat Zulu hadiah api.
  • The major feels the fire should be put out at once.
    Mayor merasa api harus dipadamkan.
  • Cannon fire or storm it's all the same to you!
    Meriam atau badai, sama saja bagimu!
  • Wait till they get a dose of that artillery fire.
    Tunggu saat mereka mendapat tembakan artileri.
  • What happens if I put it on fire?
    Apa yg akan terjadi jika ku beri api?
  • Would they fire you, if they saw us?
    Apakah mereka memecat anda, jika mereka melihat kami?
  • Help me build a fire for the hot dogs
    Aku akan membuat api untuk hot dog.
  • Nick, Pete, Jerry, there's a fire in the barn.
    Nick, Pete, Jerry, ada api di gudang.
  • I didn't say anything, I was talking to the fire.
    Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa, saya mendengar.
  • Years ago, her parents were killed in a fire.
    Bertahun-tahun lalu, orang tuanya tewas dalam kebakaran.
  • We gotta collect wood for the band fire
    Kita harus mengumpulkan kayu untuk api pemberi tanda
  • Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
    Kapal penyerang terbakar di sekitar tepian Orion.
  • Concentrate all fire on that Super Star Destroyer.
    Pusatkan semua tembakan ke arah Super Stardestroyer itu.
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