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contoh kalimat fixture

"fixture" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • A permanent fixture at Sedgwick's Auction House in Kensington.
    Penawar tetap di Pelelangan Sedgwick di Kensington.
  • Rain trickled down through the plaster and the light fixtures.
    Hujan merembes dan lampu mati.
  • Jeff was a fixture at my roulette table.
    Jeff adalah Jadwal Pertandingan di meja rouletteku
  • What about the other broken fixtures in this house?
    Bagaimana pekakas rumah lain yang rosak
  • Structurally, you'd put the explosive in that light fixture.
    Secara struktur, kau taruh peledak dalam lampu bohlam itu.
  • Some fixtures, such as the toilet seats, can flip 90°.
    Beberapa benda, seperti kursi toilet, bisa diputar 90°.
  • It's Kirby Paint and Tile Plus. The "Plus" stands for bathroom fixtures.
    Yang benar Kirby Cat dan Ubin Plus.
  • Fancy sinks, marble, gold fixtures and all that stuff.
    Bak cuci yg indah, marbel, peralatan emas dan segala macamnya.
  • I'm a regular fixture in dada's films.
    Aku perlengkapan biasa di film Dada.
  • After all, we're both fixtures of the tabloids.
    Setelah itu, reputasi kita bangkit.
  • Did you take apart the lighting fixture in our bathroom?
    Apa kau yang membongkar peralatan cahaya dikamar mandi kita?
  • So is this Steve guy a fixture now?
    Jadi Steve pacarmu sekarang?
  • The fixtures for the Championship were released on 17 June 2011.
    Jadwal pertandingan Championship diumumkan pada tanggal 17 Juni 2011.
  • 3 Middlesbrough were docked three points for failing to fulfil a fixture.
    3 Middlesbrough dikurangi tiga angka karena batal bertanding.
  • Her parents are a fixture.
    Orang tuanya sudah bagian dari kami.
  • Busch Gardens, that's one of my big fixtures of the year.
    Taman Busch, itu salah satu perlengkapan besar ku tahun ini.
  • He's even changed the light fixtures.
    Bahkan ia mengganti tempat lampunya.
  • These are real Tiffany fixtures.
    Semua ini adalah peralatan-peralatan dari Tifanny
  • The fixtures for the Super League were released on 14 December 2012.
    Jadwal Liga Super Indonesia dikeluarkan pada 14 Desember 2012.
  • Fixtures for the 2018–19 season were announced on 24 July 2018.
    Perlengkapan untuk musim 2018-19 diumumkan pada tanggal 24 juli 2018.
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