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contoh kalimat florence

"florence" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "florence" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • But my concern is the greater good of Republic of Florence.
    Tapi untuk kebaikan Republik Florence.
  • Miss Florence, I'll be back in 1 0.
    Ibu Florence, aku akan kembali dalam 10 menit.
  • A list of secure locales hidden throughout Florence.
    Daftar tempat-tempat aman yang tersembunyi di seantero Florence.
  • Florence is a sanctuary for sorcerers and...sodomites.
    Florence menjadi kuil bagi para penyihir dan... pelaku sodomi.
  • Even now, events conspire to bring him to Florence.
    Bahkan sekarang, peristiwa persekongkolan membawanya ke Florence.
  • Who knew you to be such a Florence Nightingale?
    Siapa menduga kau ini seperti Florence Nightingale?
  • They used to be these Florence Nightingale type figures.
    Dulu kita punya perawat hebat, Florence Nightingale.
  • But Florence only has one Leonardo Da Vinci.
    Tapi Florence hanya punya satu Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • Ah, Florence, you wretched hive of shit and sin!
    Ah, Florence, sarang kotoran dan dosa terkutuk!
  • You seek an alliance with us against Florence?
    Anda ingin kami bersekutu dengan anda melawan Florence?
  • Do you really believe it could help Florence?
    Kau benar-benar yakin buku itu bisa membantu Florence?
  • Excellent to find you here as Florence falls.
    Senang sekali menemuimu di sini saat Florence jatuh.
  • She was both the mother and the soul... of Florence.
    Dia bagaikan ibu dan jiwanya Florence.
  • If he hasn't already, Il Mostro will return to Florence.
    Il Mostro akan kembali ke Firenze.
  • I would've liked to show you Florence, Will.
    Aku dengan senang hati menunjukkan Firenze kepadamu, Will.
  • Do you mean the bastard son of Florence?
    Apakah maksud anda adalah anak haram dari Florence?
  • This is no way for the Regent of Florence to travel.
    Bupati Florence tak boleh berkeliaran.
  • I assure you, signori, the citizens of Florence are safe.
    Aku jamin, Signori, penduduk Florence aman.
  • Florence is honoring her obligation to host the festival.
    Florence sudah bersedia menjadi tuan rumah perayaan.
  • But you are also the new Mother of Florence.
    Kau juga Mother of Florence yang baru.
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