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contoh kalimat folding

"folding" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Folding your underpants, And making him spotted dick
    Melipat celana dalammu, tanpa membuat penis berbelang belang
  • And there in the background is the pattern for folding it.
    Di latarnya ada pola untuk melipatnya.
  • After folding the laundry, I set out for the clinic.
    Setelah melipat cucian, Aku berangkat ke klinik.
  • Shouldn't you be folding towels somewhere... or sniffing jockstraps?
    Harusnya kau melihat handuk atau mengendus cawat olahraga.
  • Well um, hey, why don't we try folding stuff?
    Hei, kenapa kita tidak coba melipat sesuatu ?
  • Still, I'd pay folding money to know who it is.
    Tapi aku harus tahu siapa orang itu.
  • 1898 – Kodak introduces the Folding Pocket Kodak.
    1898 – Kodak memperkenalkan produk kamera folding Pocket Kodak.
  • An electric folding mechanism was fitted as an option.
    Mekanisme lipat listrik dipasang sebagai opsi.
  • So you're folding up, you're making yourself small.
    Jadi Anda melipat tangan, dan membuat diri Anda lebih kecil.
  • Going to the Folding Valley, at this hour?
    Dia pergi ke Pembuangan sendirian ?
  • Hiro Nakamura can stop time, teleport by folding space.
    Hiro Nakamura dapat menghentikan waktu.
  • Speaking of folding, I have to go do laundry. I'm sorry.
    Ngomong-ngomong tentang mundur, Aku harus ke laudry.
  • Folding a sheet in my underwear, still pretty crazy.
    Melipat seprei hanya memakai celana dalam, masih cukup gila.
  • Michael Corleone didn't become the Godfather by folding towels.
    MichaelCorleonetidakmenjadi Godfather oleh handuk lipat.
  • Dad managed to find the box folding gig.
    Ayah berhasil menemukan pertunjukan kotak lipat.
  • Yeah, high rolling, big money I'm folding
    Ya, jika mabuk berat, uangku pun berlipat.
  • Uh... it was a folding table. it was
    Itu meja lipat. Yang diganjal kertas karena lantainya tak rata.
  • Leaves are even capable of folding over themselves several times.
    Tread dapat merusak jalan setelah beberapa kali melewatinya.
  • The magazine's folding and she knew!
    Perusahaan Majalah ini ditutup dan dia tahu!
  • Pros-- they're really good at folding.
    Pro-- mereka sangat bagus dalam hal melipat.
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