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contoh kalimat geometri

"geometri" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Did you not study six-dimensional geometry at school?
    Tidakkah kau belajar geometri 6 dimensi di sekolah?
  • Urug, you have biology and Johan has geometry!
    Urug, kau ujian biologi dan Johan ujian geometri!
  • Talk about spring changes, shot changes, geometry changes.
    Bicara tentang perubahan pegas, perubahan gas, perubahan geometri.
  • This was like a mathematician's idea of a geometry joke.
    Ini seperti matematikawan ide lelucon geometri.
  • In this geometry, the six ligands are also equivalent.
    Dalam geometri ini, enam ligan juga ekivalen.
  • The geometry of a molecule of BF3 is trigonal planar.
    Geometri molekul BF3 adalah trigonal planar.
  • In cylindrical geometry, it is like a helical spring.
    Pada geometri silinder, tampak seperti pegas heliks.
  • Geometry provided God with a model for the Creation.
    Geometri yang diberikan Allah Dengan model untuk Penciptaan.
  • That's probably the hardest geometry equation in the world.
    Itu mungkin persamaan geometri paling susah di dunia.
  • Unless... you got Valentine for geometry, don't you?
    Kasihan... Kamu merayakan Valentine dengan mengerjakan geometri, ya kan?
  • You must know Euclid's axioms and common notions.
    Kau harus tahu dasar geometri Euclid dan gagasan umum.
  • But you dids to get an "A" in geometry.
    Tapi Anda DIDs untuk mendapatkan "A" dalam geometri.
  • The quadrivium consisted of arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.
    Quadrivium terdiri dari aritmetika, geometri, musik dan astronomi.
  • There are 23 axioms to Euclid's geometry.
    Ada 23 axiom dalam teori geometri Euclid.
  • I learned that shit in high school geometry.
    Aku belajar dalam geometri di SMA.
  • What's Mount Palomar giving us as a geocentric distance?
    Mari kita lihat apakah kita bisa mendapatkan jarak Geometri.
  • I didn't see you in geometry today.
    Aku tak melihatmu di kelas geometri tadi.
  • Oh, like Buckminster Fuller and sacred geometry.
    Oh, seperti Buckminster Fuller dan geometri suci.
  • I'm about to fail this geometry test.
    Aku sepertinya akan gagal tes geometri ini.
  • The 23 characters are "of a rather rigid geometric form".
    23 karakter memiliki "bentuk geometri yang cenderung kaku".
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