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contoh kalimat hess

"hess" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "hess" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Yeah, I'm playing Chinese checkers with Mrs. Hess.
    Yeah, aku bermain catur China dengan Mrs Hess.
  • Fargo sent us to find out what happened to Hess.
    Fargo menugaskan kami menyelidiki kasus Hess.
  • Uh, I was gonna run out to see Gina Hess.
    Aku akan pergi menemui Gina Hess.
  • Mrs. Hess gets nutty when you make her wait.
    Mrs Hess mendapatkan gila ketika anda membuatnya menunggu.
  • You know, Mrs. Hess it's really cold outside.
    Kau tahu, Mrs Hess Itu benar-benar sejuk di luar.
  • Now, Mrs. Hess, what can I do for you?
    Hess, apa yang bisa aku bantu?
  • ...Hess was laughing about this fella that he bullied.
    ..Hess tertawa tentang seseorang yang diganggunya.
  • Sam Hess got killed last night at the Lucky Penny.
    Sam Hess dibunuh tadi malam di Lucky Penny.
  • A friend of mine was killed, plus, you know, Sam Hess.
    Rekanku terbunuh, ditambah, kau tahu, Sam Hess.
  • Did you pay Lorne Malvo to kill Sam Hess?
    Apa kau membayar Lorne Malvo untuk membunuh Sam Hess?
  • The day Hess died? - No.
    ..siapa yang hidungnya patah dihari kematian Hess?
  • For Pearl, the Chief, even Sam Hess.
    Membunuh Pearl, Chief,.. ..bahkan Sam Hess.
  • Well, uh, I was just about to call the widow Hess.
    Aku baru saja akan menelpon si janda Hess.
  • Abel and Van Hess brought in 20 crates last week.
    Abel dan Van Hess membawa 20 kotak minggu lalu.
  • His parents were Stovall and Lydia Hess.
    Orangtuanya adalah Stovall dan Lydia Hess.
  • I thought you were getting Mrs. Hess.
    Kukira kau sedang bersiap-Mrs Hess.
  • Sam Hess got himself killed last night over at the Lucky Penny.
    Sam Hess dibunuh tadi malam di Lucky Penny.
  • And hired Malvo to kill Hess.
    Dan menyewa Malvo untuk membunuh Hess.
  • Hess that owns the trucking company?
    Hess pemilik perusahan truk itu?
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