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contoh kalimat imported

"imported" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I wonder how come there's so many imported cars lately.
    Kenapa ada banyak mobil asing sekarang?
  • Your loss. These are from, like, Canada, or something. Imported.
    Sayang sekali, ini diimport dari Canada.
  • It's imported, but no one likes it.
    Ini barang imporr, tapi tak ada seorangpun yang suka.
  • These beggars need another dose of imported bullets.
    Para pengemis ini sepertinya masih butuh peluru impor.
  • 20 big ones, 5 small ones, 2 imported.
    20 yang besar, 5 yang kecil, 2 impor.
  • I told you I only drink imported water.
    Sudah kubilang aku hanya mau minum air impor.
  • Imported cars from europe, all worth a fortune.
    Mobil impor dari Eropa, semua ini sangat berharga.
  • During 1996, 484 vehicles were imported into Australia.
    Selama tahun 1996, 484 unit diimpor ke Australia.
  • The S80 is manufactured locally and the C30 is imported.
    S80 dirakit lokal dan C30 diimpor.
  • Those are on me, and those are imported.
    Yaitu saya, dan mereka yang akan diimpor.
  • It was very delicious, it's just seemed like it was imported.
    Itu sangat lezat, kelihatannya seperti impor.
  • 4 lakhs just on imported liquor! Plus a car for the boy.
    4 lakhs hanya di impor
  • I've got some fine malt for you - imported!
    Saya punya beberapa hal baik untukmu
  • San Luís Bridge – imported from England.
    Jembatan San Luís – di impor dari Inggris.
  • Romania imported 110 Pak 38s in March 1943.
    Rumania mengimpor 110 Pak 38 pada bulan Maret 1943.
  • They were all imported from Asia and Africa.
    Mereka semua diimpor dari Asia dan Afrika.
  • It occurs in Britain as an imported species.
    Di Karibia, ditanam sebagai spesies yang penting.
  • Water buffalo meat is imported from Australia.
    Jambu australia Jambu biji australia diintroduksi dari Australia.
  • I don't think he likes the imported stuff.
    Kurasa Dia tidak suka barang import.
  • Why would common ruffians be wearing imported shoes?
    Mengapa bajingan umum mengenakan sepatu impor?
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