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contoh kalimat infantri

"infantri" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Are you new to the infantry, Major?
    Kau orang baru di infantri, Mayor? - Ya, Pak.
  • The majority of the Cao force is land infantry
    Sebagian besar pasukan Cao adalah infantri darat.
  • Your audience contained what was left of the 107th.
    Penontonmu adalah yang tersisa dari infantri 107
  • "of the 1 st Battalion, 24th Regiment of Foot,
    "Dari Batalyon 1 Resimen Infantri 24,
  • 99th Troop Carrier Squadron, carrying in 327th Glider Infantry.
    Skuadron Troop Carrier 99, membawa Infantri Glider 327.
  • How are my boys from Second Infantry doing?
    Bagaimana keadaan anak buahku dari Infantri kedua?
  • Upon his return he was given an infantry unit command.
    Setelah kembali, ia diberi komando unit infantri.
  • What a hell of a waste of fine infantry.
    Sungguh penggunaan infantri yang sia-sia.
  • The 29th Infantry's breaking through, they'll be here soon.
    Infantri 29 berhasil menerobos, mereka akan tiba disini segera.
  • One light infantry division of 10,700 men.
    Satu divisi infantri terdiri atas 10.700 tentara.
  • Parachute Infantry is a new concept in military history.
    infantri parasut adalah suatu konsep baru dalam sejarah militer.
  • Light Roman infantry and possibly Sarmatian knights.
    Infantri ringan Romawi. dan mungkin ksatria Sarmatian.
  • The army captain from the 164th's raising hell
    Kapten AD dari Infantri 164 marah-marah
  • Phalanxes behind that and infantry as the last defense.
    Pasukan tentara di belakangnya dan infantri sebagai pertahanan terakhir.
  • By contrast, the Persian infantry was stationed behind its cavalry.
    Pasukan infantri Persia sendiri diposisikan di belakang kavaleri.
  • My tank platoon was supporting an infantry company.
    Peleton tank-ku menyokong sekompi infantri.
  • They have placed the 57th Infantry Regiment under my command.
    mereka telah diletakkan ke-57 Resimen Infantri di bawah perintah-Ku.
  • Prepare the 57th Infantry Regiment for departure.
    Menyiapkan Resimen Infantri ke-57 untuk perjalanan.
  • 57th Infantry Regiment made it on time.
    Ke-57 Resimen Infantri dibuat pada waktunya.
  • I mean, try telling our sob story to the grunts on the ground.
    Coba katakan itu pada tentara infantri.
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